Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/38

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LIS T OF PUBLIC ACT S AND RESOLUTIONS . Page . Bridge, Mississ ippi Ri ver . AN ACT Authorizing the State of Wisconsin to co nst ru ct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Mississippi River at or near La Crosse, La Crosse County, Wisconsin J une 19, 1936__ 15 31 Bridge, Delaware River. AN ACT Aut horiz ing the I nters tate Bridg e Com miss ion of the State of New York and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to reconstruct, main- tain, and operate a free highw ay bri dge a cross the De lawar e Rive r bet ween p oints in the village of Barryville, Sullivan County, New York, and the village of Shohola, Pike County, Pennsylvania J une 19, 1936__ 1531 Bridge, Delaware River. AN ACT Authorizi ng the Inter state Bridge Commission of the State of New York and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to reconstruct, main- tain, and operate a fr ee highway bridge across the West Branch of the Delaware River between a point in the vicinity of the village of Hancock, Delaware County, New York, and a point in the town of Buckingham, Wayne County, Pennsylvania -

_ June 19, 193 6-- 1532 Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, 1930, a mendment. AN ACT To amend the Act kno wn as the " Peris hable Agric ultura l Com moditi es Act , 193 0", ap prove d June 10, 1930, as amended June 19, 1936__ 1533 Forest exchanges . A N ACT To ex tend the provisions of the Forest Exch ange Act, as amende d . to certain lands, so that they may become part of the Umatilla and Whitman National Forests June 19,1936__ 1534 Hawaii, land transfer . A N ACT To authorize the transfer of land from the War Department to the Territory of Hawaii J une 19, 1936__ 1535 Bridge, Missouri River . AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Missouri River at or near Arrow Rock, Missouri

June 19, 1936-_ 15 36 Bridge, Missouri River . AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Missouri River at or near Miami, Missouri

June 19, 1936-_ 1536 Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. AN ACT To aut horiz e the transfer of a certain piece of land in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, to the State of Kentucky June 19, 1936_- 1536 Bridge, Savanna h River . AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Savannah River at or near Burtons Ferry, near Syl vania , Geor gia June 19,1936__ 15 37 Brid ge, Che sape ake Bay . AN ACT Authorizing the Chesapeake Bay Authority to construct, maintain, and operate a to ll bridge across the Chesapeake Ba y, fr om a point in Baltimore County, Maryland, over Hart Island an d Miller's Island to a point near Tolchester, Kent County, Maryland June 19, 1936__ 1537 Bridge, Waccamaw River . AN ACT Gra ntin g the cons ent of Co ngres s to the c ounty of Horry, So uth Carolina, to co nstruct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge ac ross the Wa ccama w Rive r, at or near Red Bluff, South Carolina-June 19, 1936_ - 1538 Transportation of bonded merchandise . JOINT RESOLUTION To authorize the Secretary of t he Treasury to perm it the transportati on of bonded mercha ndise by other than co mmon carrie rs un der ce rtain condi tions June 19, 19 36_- 1538 Sugar beets and sugarcane . JOINT RESOLUTION To modify and extend the Act entitled "An Act to include su gar beets and sugarcane as basic agricultural commodities under the Agricultural Adjustment Act, and for othe r purp oses" , appr oved May 9, 1934, as amended, and for other purposes June 19, 19 36__ 1539 Trade marks. AN ACT To effe ctu ate certain provisions of the International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Prope rty as revised at T he Hague on Novemb er 6, 1925 June 20,1936-_ 1539 Steam vessels, r eg ul ati on . AN ACT To amend section 4471 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, as amended June 20,1936__ 1540 Americ an Legi on Conv ention, 1936 . AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of War to le nd War Dep artment equi pment for use at the Eigh teenth Natio nal Conventio n of the American Legion at Cleveland, Ohio, during the month of September 1936

June 20,1936__ 1540 District of Columbia, pipe lines . A N ACT To permit construction, maintenance, and use of certain pi pe lines for petroleum and petroleum products in the District of Columbia June 20,1936__ 1541 Bridges, Alabama. AN ACT To amend s ect ion 2 of the Act entitled "An Act granting the consent of Congress to the Alabama State Bridge Corporation to construct, maintain, and opera te bridges across t he Tennessee, Tombi gbee, Warrior, Ala bama, and Coosa Rivers, within the State of Alabama", approved May 26, 19 28

June 20,1936-- 1542 Restricted Indians, r elie f. AN ACT To relieve restricted Indians whose lands have been taxed or have been lost by failure to pay taxes, and for other purposes

June 20,1936__ 1542 Bridge, Mississippi River . AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi River between New Orleans and Gretna, Louisiana June 20,1936-- 1542 Crow Indians, Montana . AN ACT To provide for the disposition of tribal funds now on deposit, or later placed to the credit of the Crow Tribe of Indians, Montana, and for other purposes Ju ne 20 ,1936 __ 1543