Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/396

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 241 . JUNE 14, 1935 . WHARVES For reconstruction, where necessary, and for maintenance and repair of wharves under the control of the Commissioners of the Dis- trict of Columbia, in the Washington Channel of the Potomac River, $5 ,00 0. TREES AND PARKINGS For personal services, $26,600. For co ntinge nt exp enses, inclu ding l aborer s, tri mmers, nurse ry- men, repairmen, teamsters, hire of carts, wagons, or motor trucks, trees, tree boxes, tree stakes, tree straps, tree labels, planting and care of trees, and tree spaces on city and suburban streets, purchase and mai ntenan ce of non-pa ssenge r-carr ying m otor v ehicle s, and misce l- laneous items, $100,000 . SEWERS For personal services, $184,710 . For clean ing a nd re pairi ng s ewers and basins ; including the replacement of the following motor trucks : One at not to exceed $650 ; two at not to exceed $975 each ; for operation and mainte- nance of the sewage pumping service, including repairs to boilers, ma chine ry, and p umpin g sta tions , and emp loyme nt of mech anics and laborers, purchase of coal, oil, waste, and other supplies, and for the maintenance of non-passenger-carrying motor vehicles used in this work, $222,000 . For main and pipe sewers and receiving basins, $100,000 . For suburban sewers, including the maintenance of non-passenger- ca rrying motor vehic les us ed in this w ork, a nd the repla cement of the following motor trucks : Two at not to exceed $3,500 each ; two at not to exceed $975 each ; one at not to exceed $750 ; $175,000. For asses sment and pe rmit w ork, s ewers, inclu ding n ot to exceed $1,000 for purchase or condemnation of rights-of-way for construc- tion, maintenance, and repair of public sewers, $200,000 . For the control and prevention of the spread of mosquitoes in the District of Columbia, including personal services, operation, main- tenance, and repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, purchase of oil, and other necessary expenses, to be immediately ava il ab le, $12,000 . CO LLE CT ION AND DISPOSAL OF REFUSE For personal services, $137,270 . For dust prevention, sweeping, and cleaning streets, avenues, alleys, and suburban streets, under the immediate direction of the Commissioners, and for cleaning snow and ice from streets, side- walks, crosswalks, and gutters in the discretion of the Commis- sioners, including services and purchase and maintenance of equip- ment, rent of storage rooms ; maintenance and repair of garages ; maintenance and repair of non-passenger-carrying motor-propelled vehicl es nec essary in cl eaning stree ts and purch ase of motor -pro- pelled street-cleaning equipment ; and necessary incidental expenses, $400,000 : Provided, That appropriations contained in this Act for highways, sewers, and the water department, shall be available for snow r emoval when specif ically and i n writ ing or dered by the Com- missioners . To enable the Commissioners to carry out the provisions of exist- ing law governing the collection and disposal of garbage, dead Whar ves . Reco nstruc tion, etc . 351 Trees and parkings . Personal services . Contingent expenses. Sew ers . Pers onal services . Cleaning, repair, etc . Post, p . 1612 . Main and pipe . Suburban . Motor trucks . Assessment and per . mit work . Mosquito control. City refuse . Personal services . Sweeping, cleaning, snow and ice removal, etc . Post, p. 1612 . Provi so . Use of othe r funds for sno w rem oval . Gar bag e, de ad an i- mals, ashes, etc .