Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/4

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vi LI ST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS . Page. Petroleum, shipments, et c. AN ACT To regulate int ers ta te and fo re ign commerce in petro- leum and its products by pro hi bit ing the shi pme nt in su ch co mme rce of petroleum and its products produced in violation of State law, and for other purposes

February 22, 1935_-

30 Dis trict of Columbia, Mystic S hrine con vention . JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the use of public parks, reservations, and other public spaces in the District of Columbia ; and the use of tents, cots, hospital appliances, flags, and other decorations, property of the United Sta tes, by Washington, D . C ., 1935 Shr ine Commi ttee, Inc orporated , and for ot her purpo ses February 28, 1935-_

34 Bridge, Ohio River . AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the con- struction of a bridge across the Ohio River between Rockport, Indiana, and Owens- boro, Kentucky March 2,1935__

36 Miss iss ipp i, for est l ands. AN ACT To authorize a transfer of f orest res erva tion lan ds in Forrest and Perry Counties, Mississippi, to the State of Mississippi, or to the War Department, and for oth er purposes March 2, 1935__

37 Bri dg e, Wabash River . AN A C T Granting the cons ent of Co ngress to the State of India na to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Wabash River at or near La Fayet te, India na March 2, 1935__

37 District of Columbia, unlawful entry on private property . Columbia N ACT To am end sect ion 824 of the C ode of Laws for the District of Columbia March 4, 1935__

37 Writings of George Washing ton . JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for the completion of the public ation of the writi ngs of Ge orge Washi ngton Mar ch 4, 1935 _ _

38 District of Columbia, wills and a dministration . AN ACT To amend certain sections of the code of law for the District of Columbia, approved March 3, 1901, as amended, re- lating to descent and distribution March 6,1935__

39 California Pacific International Exposition . JOINT RESOLUTION Pro viding for the par- ticipation of the United States in the California Pacific International Exposition to be held at San Diego, California, in 1935 and 1936 ; authorizing an appropriation therefor ; and for other purposes March 7,1935__

40 American Telephone and Telegraph Company . JOI NT RES OLU TIO N Authorizing and directing the Federal Communications Commission to investigate and report on the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and on all other companies en- gag ed di rec tly or indirectly in telephone communication in interstate commerce, including all compa nies rela ted to an y of these companie s through a holdin g com- pany structure, or otherwise March 15, 1935__

43 Agricultural Adjustment Act, a mendment . AN ACT To amend the Ag ricultu ral Adj ustment Act with respect to rice, and for other purposes March 18, 1935--

45 Appropriations, first deficiency Act, 1935 . AN ACT Making appropriations to supply defi- ciencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1935, and prior fiscal years, to provide supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1935, and for other purposes March 21, 1935_-

49 District of Columbia-Virginia boundary line . JO INT RESOLUTION To continue the co m- mission for determining the boundary line between the District of Columbia and the State of Virginia for not to exceed nine additional months, and to authorize not to exceed $10,000 additional funds for its expenses March 21, 1935__

67 Appropriations, State, Justice, Commerce and Labor Departments, fiscal ye ar 1936 . AN ACT Making appropriations for the Departments of State and Justice and for the Judiciary, and for the Departments of Commerce and Labor, for the fiscal year ending J une 30, 1 936, and for other purposes M ar c h 22, 1935--

67 Boy Scouts jamboree . AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy to lend Army and Navy equipment for use at the national jamboree of the Boy Scouts of America April 1, 1935__

105 District of Columbia, unsafe b uildings . AN ACT To amen d the Act of Co ngre ss appr oved March 1, 1899, entitled "An Act to authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to remove dangerous and unsafe buildings and parts thereof, and for othe r pu rpos es", and to further amend said Act by addi ng at the end the reof new sections numbered 5 and 6 April 5, 1935__

105 District of Columbia, condemned b uildings. ANACT To amend an Act approved May 1, 1906, entitled "An Act to create a board for the condemnation of insanitary buildings in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes April 5, 1935--

108 District of Columbia, Second Place . AN ACT To change the designation of Lef fl er Pla ce to Second Place April 5, 1935__

110 Charl otte Taylo r, be quest . J OINT RE SOLU TION To aut hori ze the acce ptan ce on behalf of the United States of the bequest of the late Charlotte Taylor of the city of Saint Petersburg, State of Florida, for the benefit of Water Reed General Hospital

April 5,1935_ ..

110 District of Columbia, estates of absentees, etc. AN ACT To provide for the conservation and settlement of estates of absentees and absconders in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes April 8,1935__

111 Trinity College, Washington, D . C. AN ACT Relating to the incorporation of Trinity College of Washington, District of Columbia, organized under and by virtue of a certificate of incorporation pursuant to the incorporation laws of the District of Columbia, as provided in subchapter 1 of chapter 18 of the Code of La ws of the District of Colum- bia Apr il 8, 1935 --