Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/410

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74TH CO NGRE SS . SESS. I. CH. 241. JUNE 14, 1935 .

365 NAT IO NAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS COLUMBIA HOSPITAL AND LYING-IN ASYLUM For general repairs, including labor and material, to be expended in the discr etion and un der th e dire ction of the Archi tect of the Capitol, $5,000 . TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL For personal services, $99,500 . For provisions, fuel, forage, harness, and vehicles, and repairs to same, gas, ice, shoes, clothing, dry goods, tailoring, drugs and med- ical s upplies, furnitu re and b edding, kitchen utensil s, medic al books , books of ref erence, and period icals not to excee d $200, temp orary services not to exceed $1,000, maintenance of motor truck, and other necessary items, $65,000. For repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, includ- ing roads and sidewalks, $3,000 . CHILDREN'S TUBERCULOSIS SANATORIUM Salaries : For personal services, including not to exceed $1,000 for temporary labor, $77,410 . For provisions, fuel, forage, harness, and vehicles, and repairs to same, maintenance and purchase of horses and horse-drawn vehicles, gas, ice, shoes, clothing, dry goods, tailoring, drugs and medical suppl ies, f urnitu re and beddi ng, ki tchen utensi ls, me dical books, books of reference, and periodicals not to exceed $200, maintenance of motor truck, and other necessary items, $67,000 . For repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, includ- ing roads and sidewalks, $2,000 . For purchase of furniture and equipment, $40,000 . GALLINGER MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL Salaries : For personal services, including not to exceed $2,000 for temporary labor, $396,300 . National Training School for Girls . Salaries and expenses. Salaries : For personal services, $31,550 . For groceries, provisions, light, fuel, soap, oil, lamps, candles, clothing, shoes, forage, horseshoeing, medicines, medical attendance, transportation, sewing machines, fixtures, books, magazines, and other supplies which represent greater educational advantages


tionery, horses, vehicles, harness, cows, pigs, fowls, sheds, fences, repai rs, ty pewrit ing, s tenogr aphy, and ot her ne cessar y item s, and including compensation not exceeding $1,500 for additional labor or se r vi ce s; for identifying and pursuing escaped inmates and for s Apprehending air rewar ds for their captu re, fo r tran sporta tion a nd oth er nec essary expenses incident to securing suitable homes for paroled or dis- charged girls, and for maintenance of non-passenger-carrying motor vehicles, $30,500 . ME DICA L CHARITIES

Medical Charities. For care and treatment of indigent patients under contracts to be Care, etc ., of indigent made by the Board of Public Welfare with the following institutions hospnat designated and for not to exceed the following amounts, respectively Children's Hospital, $36,500. Central Dispensary and Emergency Hospital, $55,000 . Ea stern Dispen sary a nd Cas ualty Hospit al, $2 5,000 . Washington Home for Incurables, $10,000 . Colu mbia Hospi tal . Repairs, etc. Tube rculo sis H ospi . tal . Salaries and expenses . Post, p . 1614. Repairs, etc . Children's Tubercu- losis Sanatorium. Salaries and e xpenses Repairs, etc. Furniture, etc . Galli nger Hospi tal . Salaries.