Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/456

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74 TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 291 . JUNE 24, 1935 .

411 mendations contained in House Document Numbered 199, Seven- vol* 45, p.4°a. tieth Congress, first session, as modified by the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1928, approved May 29, 1928 (45 Stat ., p . 908), the avail biee continued unex pended bal ance of th e appropria tion under this head shall remain available until expended . FUEL AND TRA NSPORTA TION, BU REAU OF SUPPLI ES A ND ACCOUNTS

Fuel and transporta- tion. For coal and other fuel for submarine bases and steamers' and POBt, pp . 599, 1629. ships' use, including expenses of transportation, storage, and han- dling the same and the removal of fuel refuse from ships ; mainte- nance and general o eration of machinery of naval fuel depots and fuel plants ; water for all purposes on board naval vessels, and ice for the cooling of water, including the expense of transportation and storage of both, $7,812,200 : Provided . That fuel acquired other than Provisos. Issue to be charged by purchase shall not be issued without charging the applicable to applicable appropri . a p p r o p r i a t i o n w i t h t h e c o s t o f s u c h f u e l a t t h e r a t e c u r r e n t a t t h e a t i o n e time of issue for fuel purchased : Provided further, That the Presi- Prices for fuel on hand. dent may direct the use, wholly or in part, of fuel on hand, how- ever acquired, to be charged at the last issue rate for fuel acquired by purchase, when, in his judgment, prices quoted for supplying fuel are excessive : Provided further, That no pa rt of this appropria tion e tc; of f~egn feel o ' sha ll be avai lable, any provision in this A ct to the contrary n ot- withstanding, for the purchase of any kind of fuel oil of foreign production for issue, delivery, or sale to ships at points either in the United States or its possessions where oil of the production of the United States or its possessions may be procurable, notwithstanding that oil of the production of the United States or its possessions may cost more than oil of foreign production, if such excess of cost, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Navy, which shall be conclusive, be not unreasonable . BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Bureau or Medicine and Surgery. For surgeons' necessaries for vessels in commission, navy yards, . Surgeons' necessa- nes naval stations, and Marine Corps ; and for the civil establishment civil establishment . at the several naval hospitals, navy yards, naval medical supply dep ots , Na val Medi cal Sch ool and disp ensa ry, Was hing ton, and Naval Academy ; for tolls and ferriages ; purchase of books and sta- tionery ; hygienic and sanitary investigation and illustration ; sani- tary, hygienic, administrative, and special instruction, including the issuin g of naval medical b ulletins and supple ments ; pu rcha se and repairs of nonpassenger-carrying wagons, automobile ambulances, vehicles, etc • and harness ; purchase of and feed for horses and cows ; maintenance, repair, and operation of three passenger-carrying motor vehicles for naval dispensary, Washington, District of Columbia, and of one motor-propelled vehicle for official use only for the medical officer on out-patient medical service at the Naval Academy ; trees, plants, care of grounds, garden tools, and seeds ; incidental articles for the Naval Medical School and naval dispensary, Washington, naval medical supply depots, sick quarters at Naval Academy and marine barracks ; washing for medical department at Naval Medical School and naval dispensary, Washington, naval medical supply depots, sick quarters at Naval Academy and marine barracks, dispensaries at navy yards and naval stations, and ships ; and for minor repairs on buildings and grounds of the United States Naval Medical School and naval medical supply depots ; rent of rooms for naval dispensary, Washington, District of Columbia, not to exceed $1, 200 ;