Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/481

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS . 337, 338 . JUNE 29, 1935 . [CHAPTER 337 .]

AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act for the grading and classification of clerks in [Public, No. 181 .] the Foreign Service of the United Sta tes of America, and providing com pen - sation therefor." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That secti on 11 of the Act entitled "An Act for the grading and classification of clerks in the Foreign Service of the United States of America and providing compensation therefor ", approv ed February 23, 1931, be, and it is hereby, amended to read as follows : Appointments and " SEC . 11 . That all appointments and promotions of Foreign Serv- promo tions

power of President to make.

ice officers shall be made by the President by and with the advice and conse nt of the Senat e and such offi cers may b e com missi oned as Protisos .

diplomatic or consular officers or both : Provided, That Foreign Ap poi ntm en ts, Seenate ate re, recess . dur ing

Service officers now or hereafter appointed or promoted during a S Pay provisions . recess of the Senate shall be paid the compensation of the position to which appointed or promoted from the date of such appointment or promotion until the end of the next session of the Senate if they have not theretofore been confirmed by the Senate, or until their rejection by the Senate before the end of its next session : Provided further, That if the Senate should reject or fail to confirm the pro- motion of a Foreign Service officer during the session following the date of such promotion, the Foreign Servi ce officer shall automati- cally be reinstated in the position from which he was promoted, such reinstatement to be effective, in the event of rejection of the nomi- nation, from the date of rejection ; and in the event of failure of the Senate to act on the nomination during the session following a promotion, from the termination of that session : And provided further, That all official acts of such officers while serving under dipl omati c or consu lar c ommis sions in t he Fo reign Serv ice s hall be performed under their respective commissions as secretaries or as consular officers." Approved, June 29, 1935 . June 29, 1935 . [H.R.6504.] Fo rei gn Service. Vol . 46, p. 120 8, amended . U.S.C.,p.942 . Rein stat emen t in for - mer position

when. Effective date . Official acts under respective commissions . [CH APTE R 338 .1 June 29, 1935 .

AN ACT [H. R. 7160.]

To provide for research into basic laws and principles relating to agriculture and to prov ide for t he furthe r develop ment of co operative agricult ural exte nsion wo rk and the more complete endowment and support of land-grant colleges . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, [Public, No . 182.] Agri cult ural exten- si on w ork and l and grant colleges . Agric ultu re . Research into basic laws and principles . Post, p. 582 . Agencie s to be estab- lished . TITLE I S ECTI ON 1 . The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized and directed to conduct research into laws and principles underlying basic problems of agriculture in its broadest aspects ; research relat- ing to the improvement of the quality of, and the development of new and improved methods of production of, distribution of, and new and extended uses and markets for, agricultural commodities and byproducts and manufactures thereof ; and research relating to the conservation, development, and use of land and water resources for agricultural purposes . Research authorized under this section shall be in addition to research provided for under existing law (but both activities shall be coordinated so far as practicable) and shall be conducted by such agencies of the Department of Agriculture as . the Sec retary may designate or establish .