Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/488

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74T11 CONG RESS . SESS. I. CHS . 355-357 . JUL Y 2. 1935.

443 -panie d by t he ope rator thereo f, whe n such railr oad ca rs or motor vehicles are transported in any railroad car ferry operated between fixed termini on the Great Lakes as a part of a rail route, if such car ferry is owned by a common carrier by water and operated as part of a rail route with the approval of the Interstate Commerce Commission, and if the stock of such common carrier by water, or its predecessor, was owned or controlled by a common carrier by rail prior to June 5, 1920, and if the stock of the common carrier owning such car ferry is, with the approval of the Interstate Com- merce Commission, now owned or controlled by any common carrier by rail and if such car ferry is built in and documented under the laws of the United States ." Approved, July 2, 1935 . [CHAPTER 355 .]

AN ACT July 2, 1935 . For the rel ief of the officers and men of the United States Naval and Marine [11 . R . 4764 .] Cor ps Re ser ves who performed fli ght s in nav al aircraft in con nec ti on wi th

[Public, No. 192 .] the search for victims and wreckage of the United States dirigible Akron. Be it en acted by the Se nate and House of Representat ives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That those officers Naval, etc., reserves . Relie f of certa in ot fi- and men of the United States Naval Reserve and the United States cers, etc ., w ho searched Marine Corps Reserve who while on authorized active or trainin for victims of accid ent g todirigible "Akron . " duty without pay, between the dates of April 4, 1933, and April 7, 1933, both dates inclusive, performed flights in naval aircraft in connec tion w ith th e sear ch for victi ms and wreck age of the U nited States dirigible Akron, shall be considered as on active duty with pay and shall be entitled to the pay and allowances prescribed by law therefor during the time of performance of such duty . Approved, July 2, 1935 . [CHAPTER 357 .1 AN ACT July 2, 1935 . To authorize the use of park property in the District of Columbia and its envi- [s .2738 .] rons by the Boy Scouts o f Americ a at the ir natio nal jamb oree .

[Public, No.193.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Act D sari c oi ls ollam iai entitled "An Act to authorize the Secretary of War and the Secre- jamboree . tary of the Navy to lend Army and Navy equipment for use at the e d.In te, v . 10s, amend- national jamboree of the Boy Scouts of America ", approved April Pest, n. 658 . 1, 1935, is amended by adding at the end thereof a new section to read as follows " SEC. 2 . The Secre tary of the Interi or is hereby autho rized to Per mit s for use of grant permits through the National Park Service and the Superin- t public espaces, etc., au . grant of National Capital Parks for use by the said Boy Scouts of portions of parks, reservations, or other public spaces under his control in the District of Columbia and environs as in his opinion may be temporarily spared for that purpose : Provided, That such Provisos . use will inflict no serious or permanent injury upon any of the Condition . parks, reservations, or other public spaces : And provided further, Restoration after use . That t he par ks, re servat ions, or oth er pub lic sp aces, which shall be so used or occupied, shall be promptly restored to their original condi tion b y the Boy Sc outs, and th e said Boy S couts shall indem- Indemnity for any nify the United States for all damages of any kind wh atsoever damages.