Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/53

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8 7 4TH CONG RESS . SESS . I. CH. 3 . FEBRUARY 2, 1935 . expenses of exa mination s and i nvestiga tions h eld else where t han at Washington, including not to exceed $1,000 for expenses of attend- ance at meeting s of pub lic off icials w hen spe cificall y direc ted by the Commission ; for furniture and other equipment and repairs thereto ; rental of equipment ; supplies ; advertising ; telegraph, tele- phone, and laundry service ; freight and express charges ; street-car fares not to exceed $300 ; stationery ; purchase and exchange of law books, books of reference, directories, subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals, not to exceed $1,000 ; charts ; purchase, exchange, maintenance, and repair of motor trucks, motorcycles, and bicycles ; gara ge ren t ; postag e stamp s to pre pay pos tage on matter addresse d to Postal Union countries ; special-delivery stamps ; and other like miscellaneous necessary expenses not hereinbefore provided for, Ac tuar s.

$2,020,000 : Provided, That notwithstanding any provisions of law ctuarial services . to the contrary, the Civil Service Commission is authorized to expend during the fiscal year 1936 not to exceed $2 ,100 of this amount for actuarial services pertaining to the civil service and Canal Zo ne reti rement a nd disa bility f unds, t o be obt ained b y con- tract, without obtaining competition, at such rates of compensation as the Commission may determine to be reasonable : Provided fur- Details from Depart- the r, That no details from a ny execu tive de partmen t or ind ependen t menu, etc ., in the Dis- trict forbidden . establis hment i n the Di strict of Colum bia or elsewher e to th e Com- mission's central office in Washington or to any of its district offices shall be made during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936, but this shall not affect the making of details for service as members of the boards of examiners outside the immediate offices of the district Emergency transfers managers : Provided further, That the Civi l Se rvic e Com miss ion allo wed'

shall ha ve powe r in cas e of em ergency to tran sfer or detail any of its employees to or from its office or field force . Printing and binding . For all printing and binding for the Civil Service Commission, including all of its bureaus, offices, institutions, and services located in Washi ngton a nd elsew here, $ 75,000 . Civil-service retire-

CIVIL-SERVICE RETIREMENT FUND ment and disability fund . Contribution to.

For financing of the liability of the United States, created b the Act entitled "n Act for the retirement of employees in the elas- Vol. 41, p. 614; Vol. sified civil service, and for other purposes ", approved May 22, 1920, 4s i. .'S6c.,p.93.

and Acts amendatory thereof (U . S . C ., Supp ., VII, title 5, sec . 707a?, $40,000,000, which amount shall be placed to the credit of the' civil-service retirement and disability fund ." Canal Zone retire-

CANAL ZONE RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY men t and disability fund. Contribution to.

For f inancin g of the liabil ity of t he Unit ed State s, crea ted by Vol. 46, p. 1479.

the Act entitled "An Act for the retirement of employees of the u. S. C.,p.2202. Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company, on the Isthmus of Panama, who are citizens of the United States ", approved March 2, 1931, and Acts amendatory thereof (U . S . C ., Supp . VII, title 48, see . 1371n), $500,000, which amount shall be placed to the credit of the " Canal Zone retirement and disability fund ." Total, Civil Service Commission, $42,595,000 . Em ployees' Comp en -

E MPLOYEES' COMPE NSATION COMMISS ION Bation Commission . Commissioners, and For three Commissioners and other personal services in the Dis- office personnel . trict of Columbia, including not to exceed $1,000 for temporary experts and assistants in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, to he paid at a rate not exceeding $8 per day, and for personal services in the field, for furniture and other equipment and repairs thereto ;