Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/532

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74T H CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS . 390, 402. JULY 19, 22, 1935 .

487 fifty feet, more or less, along said line 2-3, to its int ersection with the west erly boun dary of the a fore said bloc k K ; th ence, along said westerly boundary of block K, south nineteen degrees twenty-three minutes west forty-nine feet, more or less, to the place of beginning . SEc. 2 . The transfer of this property and its 'use for the purposes No Federal expense . mentioned shall be without expense to the United States of America . Approved, July 19, 1935 . [CHAPTER 402 .1 AN ACT To regulate the strength and distribution of the line of the Navy, and for other purposes . JulY22 , 1935 . [H. R.5599.1 [Public, No.212.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Th at so mu ch Navy . Number of commis- of the Naval Appropriation Act approved August 29, 1916 (39 Stat . sionedofficers ofline . line . 576 ; U. S . C ., title 34, sec . 2), as provides that "hereafter the total Uvol .a, 9.'151 576 ; number of commissioned officers of the active list of the line of the Navy, exclusive of commissioned warrant officers, shall be. 4 per centum of the total authorized enlisted strength of the active list, exc lusi ve of the Hos pita l Cor ps, pris oners und ergo ing sente nce of discharge, enlisted men det ailed for duty wi th tT e Naval Mil itia, and the Flying Corps ", is hereby amended to read as fol lows : Perc entage in creased . " Hereafter the total authorized number of commissioned officers of the active list of the line of the Navy, exc lusive of commiss ioned warrant officers, shall be equal to 43/4 per centum of the total author- ized enlisted strength of the active list, exclusive of the Hospital Corps, prisoners undergoing sentence of discharge, enlisted men detailed f or duty with the Naval Militia, an d the Flying Corp s ." _ SEc. 2. That so much of the Naval Appropriation Act approed mDi sibut in a offac orn August 29, 1916 (39 Stat. 576; U. S. C., title 34, sec. 4), as amended among grades . by the Act appro ved March 3, 1931 (46 Stat . 1482 ; U. S. C., Supp. 46,



U .S. V ol. vc. , VII, title 34, sec . 4), as provides : " That the total number of corn- p.1512 d missioned line officers on the active list at any one time, exclusive of commiss ioned warrant off icers, shall be d istributed in the pro- portion of one in the grade of rear admiral, to four in the grade of captain, to eight in the grade of commander, to fifteen in the grade of lieutenant commander, to thirty in the grade of lieutenant, to forty-two in the grades of lieutenant (junior grade) and ensign, inclusive : Provided, That no officer shall be reduced in rank or pay or sep arated from the a ctive list of the Navy as the resu lt of any computation made to determine the authorized number of offi- cers in the various grades of the line is hereby amended to read as follows : "That the total number of commissioned line officers Total numbers . on the act ive list at any o ne time, exclusiv e of commissioned war- rant officers, shall be distributed in the proportion of one in the grade of rear admiral, to four in the grade of captain, to eight in the grade of commander, to fifteen in the gr ade of lieutenant com- mander, to thirty in the grade of lieutenant, to forty-two in the grades of lieutenant (junior grade) and ensign inclusive


s No reductions in Th at no off ic er shall be reduced in rank or pay or separated rank, etc . fr om the active list of the Nav y as the result of any compu- tat ion made to d eter mine the auth oriz ed nu mber of offi cers in t he various grades of the line : Provided further, That for the pur- Distribution in grades until June 30, pose of snaking any computation to determine the authorized num- 1936 . ber of officers in the various grades of the line above the grade of lie utenant (j unior gra de), the n umber of c ommission ed line offi cers on th e act ive li st, e xclus ive of comm issio ned wa rrant officers, shall, until June 30, 1936, be assumed to be five thousand four