Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/614

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74 TH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 502 . AUGUST 9, 1935 .

569 " No streets or avenues shall be opened across the railroads con- Res triction on open- str ee ts under the authority of this Act between Florida Avenue natedarea withinaesig- and an extension of the west line of Twenty-second Street Northeast fro m Bryant S treet to N ew York A venue, exc ept New Y ork Avenue and except as hereinafter provided ; the Baltimore and Ohio Rail- Construction of via. road Company and the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington duct bridg es . Railroad Company shall construct, within two years after being directed so to do by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, a suitable viaduct bridge above the said railroads connecting Brent- wood Road and T Street Northeast, with New York Avenue at such point as may be determined by the said Commissioners between Fourth Street Northeast and the extension of Mount Olivet Road Northeast, as the same may be shown on the plan of the permanent system of highways at the time the said Commissioners direct the construct ion of said viadu ct bridge, said v iaduct bridge eit her to connect directly with New York Avenue at grade or to pass over said avenue with connections thereto as the said Com- missioners may direct ; the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com- construction costso pa ny and the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company shall pay in equal shares the entire cost and expense of the bridge structure, including the necessary retaining walls and approaches in connection therewith, between the southerly line of New Yo rk Avenue as now pu blicly ow ned, and t he souther ly line of Brentwood Road as now publicly owned ; the Baltimore and Ohio sa De dicca at tion of neces- Railroad Company and the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company shall dedicate or cause to be dedicated to the District of Columbia such land lying betwee n the southerly l ine of Brentwood Ro ad and the northerly line of New York Avenue Northeas t, as now publicly owned, as may be ne cessary fo r the location of such bridge structure and the approaches thereto in accordance with the plan of the permanent system of highways as said plan may be established at the time the Commissioners direct the construction of said viaduct bridge ; the cost of maintenance of Maintenance costs . said viaduct bridge, retaining walls, and approaches is to be borne entirely by the District of Columbia ; and said viaduct bride Plans and sp eci fi ca- g f tions of construction. retaining wal ls, and approache s shall be constr ucted in accordan ce with plans and specifications and at a location approved by the Commissioners of said District ; and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Subway. Company and the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company shall construct, within two years after being directed so to do by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, .a suitable subway or underpass beneath the tracks of said companies within the lines of the street connecting the intersection of New York Avenue a nd West V irginia Av enue North east, as the same may be shown on said pla n of the p ermanent s ystem of highways a t the time said Commissioners direct the construction of said subway or underpass ; the said railroad companies shall pay in equal shares construction costs . the entire cost and expense of the subway or underpass structure, including the necessary retaining walls in connection therewith, and in addition thereto, so much of the approaches to said subway or underpass as lie within the li mits of the said railroad companie s' ro erties ; each of said railroad companies shall dedicate or cause Dedication of neces- nary land s . to be dedicat ed to the Distric t of Columbia suc h land lying with in the limits of said railroad companies' properties as may be necessary for said street in accordance with the plan of the permanent system of highways as said plan may be established at the time the Com- missioners direct the construction of said subway or underpass ; the Maintenance costs . cost of maintenance of said approaches is to be borne entirely by the District of Columbia ; the cost of maintenance of said subway or