Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/617

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 508 . AUGUST 12, 1935 . Expenditures in- cluded . Vol . 36, p. 699 ; U.S.C.,p.1787 . Ser vices . Vol. 42, p. 1488; Vol. 46,p.1003; U.S. C., p. 85. Senate Office Build- i ng. Construction, etc ., expenses. House Office Build- i ng. Maintenance . Capitol Buildings. Capitol Power Plant . Maintenance, etc. Feed water deaera- tor, heater, etc. Sums available. Vol. 48, p. 827. Travel expenses . Amount increased. Vol. 48, p. 827. Library of Congress. Bo oks for adult blind . Vol.47,p.1570. U.S.C.,p.16. Independent Offices. Executive . Na val oil re serves . Expenses, canceling, etc . Vol . 43, p.15. $2,550,000, to be expended by the Architect of the Capitol and to include expenditures for material, supplies, equipment, accessories, adve rtising , travel ing exp enses, and, wit hout re gard to section 35 of the Public Buildings Act, approved June 25, 1910, as amended, or the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, the employment of necessary personnel (including professional, architectural, and engi- neering ser vices) . Senate Office Building For letter-filing cabinets, $5,000 ; for fire- proofing attic and wire-mesh partitions, $5,040 ; and two cut-off par- titions with fire doors, $1,500 ; for remodelling and painting rooins in the Senate Office Building, $45,500 ; in all, fiscal year 1936, $57,040 . House Office Building : For an additional amount for maintenance, including the same objects specified under this head in the Legisla- ti ve Bran ch Appro priatio n Act, 1 935, $5 ,000 . Capitol Buildings : For an additional amount for the Capitol Buildings f or the fiscal year 1936, including the same objects specified unde r this head in the Leg islativ e Branch Approp riation Act, 19 36, $5,000. Capitol Power Plant : For an additional amount for lighting, he ating, and powe r for t he Capit ol, Sen ate and House O ffice Bu ild- ings, and so forth, including the same objects specified under this head in the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1935, $56,100. The sum of $25,600 of the appropriation for the Capitol Power Plant, contained in the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1935, is hereby continued available until June 30, 1936, and shall be avail- able for the purchase and installation of a feed water deaerator heater, auxiliaries, and so forth, including housing and all expenses in connection therewith, together with an additional amount of $35,000, to remain available for the same purposes until June 30, 1936 . The limitation of $1,750 placed on expenses for travel on official business under the Architect of the Capitol contained in the Legis- lative Branch Appropriation Act, 1935, is hereby increased to $2,500 . LIBR ARY OF CO NGRESS Books for adult blind : For an additional sum required to enable the Librarian of Congress to carry out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide books for the adult blind ", approved March 3, 1931, as amended (U . S . C ., Supp . VII, title 2, sec . 135a), fiscal year 1936, $75,000 . Gov ernmen t Print- ing Office.

G OVER NMEN T PR INT ING OFFI CE Designated messen- gers on ni ght duty . For payment to Samuel Robinson, William Madden, Preston L . George, and William S . Houston, messengers on night duty during the first session of the Seventy-fourth Congress, $900 each ; in all, $3,600, to be p aid fro m the ap propria tion for printi ng and b inding for Congress for the fiscal year 1935 . INDEPENDENT OFFICES EXECUTIVE Protection of interests of the United States in matters affecting oil lands in former naval reserves : For an additional amount for compensation and expenses of special counsel and for all other expense, including employment of experts and other assistants at such rates as may be authorized or approved by the President, in con- nection with carrying into effect the " Joint resolution directing the Secretary of the Interior to institute proceedings touching sections