Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/619

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74TH CO NGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 508 . AUGU ST 12, 1935 . National Advisory Committee for Aero- nauti cs . Expenses, scientific research, etc . Ante, p .13 . Po, t,p.1602. National Cap ita l Park and Planning Commission . Incidental expenses . Vol. 46, p . 482. Post, p.1602 . Perso nal services . U.S.C.,p.85. National Railroad Adjustment Board . Expen ses . Ante, p. 23. Post, pp . 1178, 1603 . PetroleumAdmiu- istration . Expenses. Ante, p. 30. NATIONAL AD VIS ORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS For an addit ional am ount for scienti fic rese arch, t echnical investi - gations, and spe cial rep orts in the fiel d of aer onautic s, inclu ding the same o bjects speci fied u nder t his he ad in the In depend ent Of fices Appropriation Act, 1936, fiscal year 1936, $338,050, of which sum not to exceed $20,000 may be used for personal services in the District of Columbia . NATIONAL CAPITAL PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION For the work of the National Capital Park and Planning Commis- sion necessary toward carrying into effect the provisions of section 4 of the Act approved May 29, 1930 (46 Stat . 482), providing for a comprehensi ve park, parkw ay, and playg round system of the National Capital, and so forth ; personal services in the District of Columbia, including real-estate and other technical services, at rates of pay to be fixed by the Commission not exceeding those usual for similar services and without reference to civil-service rules and the Classification Act of 1923, as amended ; travel expenses ; survey, search ing of t itles, a nd all o ther cos ts incid ent to the acqu isition of l a n d ; reimbu rsements to be made as prescri bed in such Act, as amended, fiscal year 1936, $800,000. NATION AL RA ILROA D ADJ USTME NT BO ARD Not to exceed $25,000 of the unexpended balance of the appropria- tion for the National Railroad Adjustment Board for the fiscal year 1935, contained in Public Resolution Numbered 3, Seventy-fourth Congress, approved February 13, 1935, is hereby continued available until June 30, 1936, of which amount not to exceed $12,500 shall be availa ble fo r the paymen t of s alarie s and expens es of refere es of the National Railroad Adj ustme nt Bo ard, and not to exc eed $12,500 shall be available for printing and binding . United States off- PAY MENT TO OFFI CERS AND EMP LOYEES OF THE UNI TED ST ATES IN FORE IGN cers and employees in foreign countries .

COUNTRIES DUE TO APPRECIATION OF FOREIGN CURRENCIES Payments, due to For an additional amount for payment to officers and employees of ap preci ation of for- eign currencies .

the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign Ante, pp.14,71.

currencies, including the same objects specified cinder this head in the Ind epende nt Off ices A ppropr iation Act, 1936, $1,478,652 . PETR OLEUM ADMINISTR ATION For administering and enforcing the provisions of the Act approved February 22, 1935 (Public, Numbered 14, Seventy-fourth Congress), entitled "An Act to regulate interstate and foreign com- merce in petroleum and its products by prohibiting the shipment in su ch com merce of pet roleum and i ts pro ducts produc ed in violat ion of State law, and for other purposes", and to include necessary personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere without regard to the civil-service laws and regulations, traveling expenses, contract stenographic reporting services, rent, stationery and office supplies, not to exceed $10,000 for printing and binding, not to ex ceed $1, 500 for books an d period icals, n ot to ex ceed $2 0,000 fo r the purchase, exchange, hire, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, and not to exceed $20,000 for the maintenance, operation, and repair of boats, fiscal year 1936, $500,000 .