Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/622

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74 TH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 508. AU GUST 12, 1935 .

577 PU BLIC SCHOOLS Fuel, gas, and so forth : For an additional amount for fuel, gas, Operating supplies . su ppli es . Ant and electric light and power, for the following fiscal years : For 1934, $11,303 .01 ; For 1935, $45,000 . Furniture and equipment : The unexpended balance of the appro- `u u)rmgturre ettc priation of $150,000, contained in the District of Columbia Appropri- Ante, p.355. ation Act for the fiscal year 1935, for furniture and equipment, including pianos and window shades, for the Woodrow Wilson Senior High School, is continued available for the same purposes during the fiscal year 1936 : Provided, That the total amount expended under Previso. th is a ppro priat ion and the appro pria tion for the same pur poses in Limitation . the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1936 shall not exceed $150,000 . Education of deaf, dumb, and blind : For an additiona l amount Education of deaf, for maint enance and instru ction of deaf and dumb persons adm itted dAnte, and 35 4. to the Columbia Institution for the Deaf from the District of Colum- bia, under section 4864 of the Revised Statutes, and as provided for R.S-,sp48s4PVol. in the Act approved March 1, 1901 (U . S . C ., title 24, see. 238), and 36,p .i4za. under a contract entered into with the said institution by the Com- missioners, fiscal y ear 1935, $500 . FIRE DEPARTMENT For an additional amount for fuel, fiscal year 19 35, $ 4,000 . HEALTH DEPARTM ENT Salaries : For an additi onal amount for p ersonal services, fiscal Salaries . 359. year 1936, $45,000 . Prevention of contagious diseases : For an additional amount for contagious diseases prevention of contagious diseases, including the same objects speci- p Ante,`p . 3 5 9 , fled unde r this head in th e District of Col umbia Appropriati on Act for the fiscal year 1935, $4,000. Maintenance of motor vehicles : For an additional amount for Motor vehicles. mai nten ance and oper atio n of moto r am bula nces and moto r ve hicle s, fiscal year 1935, $300 . Garfield Hospital isolating ward : For additional amounts for iso- QaorSeldHo spdis al . ing lating wards for minor contagious diseases at Garfield Memorial Hospital, maintenance, for the following fiscal years For 1935, $18,000 ; For 1936, $3,000. COURTS AND PRISONS Juvenile court : For an additional amount for witness fees and compensation of jurors, fiscal year 1935, $700 . Support of convicts : For an additional amount for support, main- tenance, and transportation of convicts transferred from District of Columbia, including the same objects specified under this head in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1934, $55,456 .64. W rits of l unac y : F or an additional amount for expen ses attending the execution of writs de lunatico inquirendo and commitments there- under in all cases of indi gent insa ne p erso ns co mmit ted or s ought to be committed to Saint Elizabeths Hospital by order of the execu- tive authority of the District of Columbia under th e provisions of existing law, and expenses of commitments to the District Train- ing Sc hool, incl uding perso nal s ervice s, fi scal year 1934, $1,37 2,16 . 104019'-36-37 Public schools . Fire Department . Fuel. Health Department . Courts and prisons . Juvenile court . Support of convicts out of the District . Lunacy writs . Expenses of exe . outing. Vol. 33, p. 740.