Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/624

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74T H CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 508. AUG UST 12, 1935 . Industrial Home School : For an additional amount for mainte- nance, including care of horses, purchase and care of wagon and harness, maintenance of nonpassenger-carrying motor vehicle, fiscal ye ar 1935, $2,000 . Home for Aged and Infirm : For an additional amount for pro- visions, including the same objects specified under this head in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the following fiscal years : For 1934, $593 .02 ; For 1935, $10,500 . Saint Elizabeths Hospital : For an additional amount for support of indigent insane of the District of Columbia in Saint Elizabeths Ho spital, as provi ded by l aw, fisc al year 1935, $2 9,000 . Relief of the poor : For an additional amount for relief of the poor, including medical and surgical supplies, artificial limbs, and for pay of physicians to the poor, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Welfare, fiscal year 1935, $2,000 . WA TER SERVICE 579 Industrial Home School . Home for Aged and Infirm . Saint Elizabeths Hospital . Relief of the poor . Water service . Washington Aqueduct : For replacing the pumping equipment and d Wa shingto nAque ° appurtenant features of the pumping station of the McMillan Filter Post. P.1615. Plant and for each and every purpose connected therewith, fiscal year 1936, $150,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be Out of water reve- paid wholly out of the revenues of the Water Department of the nues . District of Columbia . SE'11LEMENT OF CLAIMS For the payment of claims approved by the Commissioners under Settlement of claims and suits . and in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act 46Vpl560,, p .1160 ; Vol. authorizing the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to settle claims and suits against the District of Columbia . ", approved Feb- ruary 11, 1929 (45 Stat ., 1160), as amended by the Act approved June 5, 1930 (46 Stat., 500), and reported in Senate Document Num- be red 78 and House Document Numbered 177, Seventy-fourth Congress, $11,522 .30 . REFUND OF ASSESSMENTS For payment of refunds of assessments for paving streets, avenues, and roads, and laying curbs, as authorized by the provisions of section 11 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for special assess- me nts for the paving of roadways and the laying of curbs and gutters ", approved February 20, 1931, $2,033 .87 . For payme nt of refund s of a ssessm ents f or sew er and water mains in the subdivision of Barry Farm, pursuant to the provisions of the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1935, $18,121 .98 . JUDGMENTS For the payment of final judgments, including costs, rendered agains t the Distri ct of Columb ia, as set f orth i n Sena te Doc ument Numbered 77 and House Document . Numbered 188, Seventy-fourth Congre ss, $1 2,749 .93, together with the further sum to pay the interest at not exceeding 4 per centum per annum on such judg- ments , as provided by law, from the date the same became due until the date of payment . Paying refunds of street, etc ., assess- ments . Vol. 46, p. 1199. Barry Fa rm sub . division . Vol . 46, p. 876. Payment of judg- ments.