Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/948

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7 4TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH . 756. AUGUST 27, 1935,

903 SEc . 16 . That section 19 of the said Act is amended to read as Vol . 4s, p .331. follows "SEC . 19 . If any wholesaler of beverages, whether licensed here- wholesalerofbev- erages ; restriction on under or not, by direct ownership, stock ownership, interlocking int eres t in bus ines s of directors, mortgage or lien or by any other means shall have such Tetaillicensee . a substantia l interest eit her direct or indirect in the business o f any retail licensee or in the premises on which said business is conducted as in the judgment of the Board may tend to influence such licensee to purchase beverages from such wholesaler, the Board may in its discretion r evoke the lice nse issued in respect of t he business in which such wholesaler is interested, subject to review by the Commissioners as herein provided . No such wholesaler of beverages shall lend or give any money to any retail licensee or sell to such licensee, any equipment, furniture, fixtures, or property, except merchandise sold at the fair market value for resale by such licensee, or rent, loan, or give to such licensee any equipment, furniture, fixtures, or property, or give or sell an service to such licensee : Provided however That X7002 " y



Res triction on sales, with the prior a pproval of the B oard, a wholesal er may s ell, giv e, gifts, or loans . rent, or loan to such licensee any service or article of property costing such wholesaler not more than $10 . No retail licensee shall receive or accept any loan or gift of money from any such wholesaler or purchase from any such wholesaler any equipment, furniture, fix- tures, or property, except merchandise purchased at the fair market value for resale, or rent from, borrow, or receive by gift from such wholesaler any equipment, furniture, fixtures, or property, or receive any service from such wholesaler : Provided, however, That with the E xcept ion . prior approval of the Board, a retail licensee may purchase from, rent from, borrow or receive by gift from such wholesaler any service or article of property costing such wholesaler not more than $10 . Nothing herein contained, however, shall prohibit the reasonable extension of credit by a wholesaler for merchandise sold to a retail licensee for resale as herein permitted . When used in this section "W holesaler" con . the word `wholesaler' shall include any stockholder holding directly stru ed . or indirectly 25 per centum or more of the common stock or any of ficer of a wh olesaler of be verages, if a corporation, whether licen sed hereunder or not . This section shall not apply to retail licenses, class E ." SEC . 17 . That section 23 of the said Act is amended by striking To l rates .332 . therefrom the words " 35 cents " immediately preceding the words " for every wine-gallon of wine " and inserting in lieu thereof the words "10cents" and by striking therefrom the words "50cents" immediately preceding the words " for every wine-gallon of cham- pagne or any wine artificially carbonated ' 5 and inserting in lieu thereof the words " 15 cents " . SEc. 18. The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby T ranspor tation of al. eo hol ic beverages by authorized i n their discre tion to requi re by regulat ion that no li censee retai l lic ensee . holding a retailer's license, class A, B, C, D, or E, as provided in the said Act, shall transport, or cause to be transported, in any manner what soever into the District of Columbia any alcoh olic beverage (except the regular stock on hand in a licensed railroad club or dining c ar or pa ssenger- carrying marine vessel)

and said C ommissio ners are also au thorized to perm it such importat ion unde r P ermit . a special permit or permits, to be issued by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, upon application by a licensee and upon such terms and conditions and in such manner as may be prescribed by the said Commissioners . Any such regulation, permit, or system of permits may be suspended, amended, revoked, or abolished at any time by the said Commissioners . Approved, August 27, 1935 .