Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/980

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74T H CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 779. AUGU ST 27, 1935 .

935 ARtiCLE VII 1 . It is agreed between the signatory States that no sewage or other polluting matters shall be discharged or permitted to flow into, or be placed in, or permitted to fall or move into the tidal waters of the district, except under the following conditions and res tri cti ons (1) All sewage discharged or permitted to flow into class A waters of the district shall first have been so treated as- (a) to remove all floating solids and at least 60 per centum of the suspended solids ; and (b) to effect a reduction of organisms of the B . coli group (intestinal bacilli) so that the probable number of such organ- isms shall not exceed one per cubic centimeter in more than 50 per centum of the samples of sewage effluent tested by the par- tially confirmed test : Provided, however, That in the ca se of discharge into waters used primarily for bathing, this bacterial standard need not be required except during the bathing season ; and (c) to effect a reduction in the oxygen demand of the sewage effluent sufficient to maintain an average dissolved-oxygen con- tent in the tidal waters of the district and in the general vicinity of the point of discharge of the sewage into those waters, at a depth of about five feet below the surface, of not less than 50 per ce ntum saturation during any week of the year . (2) All sewage discharged or permitted to flow into class B waters of the district shall first have been so treated as- (a) to remove all floating solids and at least 10 per centum of the su spend ed sol ids, or su ch add ition al per centa ge as may by reason of local conditions be necessary to avoid the formation of sludge deposits in the class B waters of the district ; and (b) to effect a reduction in the oxygen demand of the sewage effluent sufficient to maintain an average dissolved-oxygen con- tent in the tidal waters of the district and in the general vicinity of the point of discharge of the sewage into those waters, at a depth of about five feet below the surface, of not less than 30 per centum saturation during any week of the year . ARTI CLE VI II 1 . Each of the signatory States agrees that, insofar as waters within its jurisdiction may flow into any portion of the district, all sewage discharged or permited to flow into any stream tributary to the tidal waters of the district shall be treated to that extent, if any, which may be necessary to maintain such tributary imme- diately above its confluence with the tidal waters of the district in a sanitary condition at le ast equal to the classification require- ments determined by the commission for the tidal waters of the district into whic h it discharges . The wa ters of the Hu dson River, immediately above the mouth of Sparkhill Creek on the westerly side and the New York- New Jersey boundary extended on the easterly side of the river, shall be maintained in a sanitary condition at ebb tide at least equal to the sanitary condition prevailing in the waters of the river immediately below said boundary at flood tide . ARTICLE IX Discharge of sewage, etc . Tributary streams. 1 . Nothing in this compact shall be construed to repeal or pre- no affected . etc ., vent the enactment of an y legislation or the en forcement of any