Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/990

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS . I, CHS. 792, 793. AUGUST 28, 1935 .

945 "(4) The conciliation commissioner, appointed under subsection conciliation commis- sioner ; authority . (a) of section 75 of this Act, as amended, shall continue to act, and act as referee , when the farmer de btor amend s his peti tion or answer, asking to be adjudged a bankrupt under the provisions of subsecti on (s) of secti on 75 of this A ct, and continu e so to act unt il the case has been finally disposed of . The conciliation commissioner, Fee . as such referee, shall receive such an additional fee for his servic es as may be allowed by the court, not to exceed $35 in any case, to be paid out of the bankrupt's estate. No additional fees or costs of Restriction on add i- h, admin istration or supervi sion of an y kind sha ll be char ged to the tional costs to farmer . farmer debtor when or after he amends his petition or answer, asking to be adjudged a bankrupt, under subsection (s) of section 75 of this Act, but all such additional filing fees or costs of administration or supervision shall be charged against the bankrupt's estate . Con- Franking privilege . ciliation commissioners and referees appointed under section 75 of this Act shall be entitled to transmit in the mails, free of postage, under cover of a penalty envelope, all matters which relate exclu- sively to the business of the courts, including notices to creditors . If, at the time that the farmer debtor amends his petition or Status of rec eive r when petiti on or an- answe r, asking to be adju dged a ban krupt, a r eceiver is in charge saver amended . of any o f his property, such receiver shall be divest ed of possessio n, and t he propert y returned to the po ssession o f such far mer, under the provisions of this Act . The provisions of this Act shall be held ,51 application of provi- to ap ply also t o partners hips, comm on, entire ty, joint, community ownerships, or to farming corporations where at least 75 per centum of th e stock is owned by actual far mers, and any such p arties may join in one petition . "(5) This Act shall be held to apply to all existing cases now Application of Act to pending in any Federal court, under this Act, as well as to future pe nding ra ces' cases ; and all ca ses that h ave been d ismissed by any con ciliation commissioner, referee, or court because of the Supreme Court deci- sion holding th e former s ubsection (s) uncons titutional , shall be Vol .48,p.127s. promptly reinstated, without any additional filing fees or charges . Any farm debtor who has filed under the General Bankruptcy Act may take advantage of this section upon written request to the court ; and a previous discharge of the debtor under any other section of this Act shall not be grounds for denying him the benefits of this section . "(6) This Act is hereb y declared to be an emergency measure an d Emergency nature of if in the judgment of the court such emergency ceases to exist in its Act' locality, then the court, in its discretion, may shorten the stay of pro- ceedings herein provided for and proceed to liquidate the estate . Approved, August 28, 1935 . [ CHAP TER 793 .] AN ACT August 28, 1935 . To provide for the appointment of an additional district judge in the United [S, 3414 .] States District Court for the Eastern District of New York.

[Public, No. 385 .] Be it e nacted by the S enate and House of Rep resentat ives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the President U. S. District Court, of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to New Yorknistrict of appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, an ditoahjudget of ad . appoint, district judge in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York. Approved, August 28, 1935 . 104019 '-m-60