Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1045

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PARCEL POST CONVENTION-NORWA Y October 6, 1934. • November 9, 1934. 3061 from the sender. The claim is entered in the parcel bills as men- tioned in Article 23, Section 3. 4. A redirected parcel shall be accompanied by the customs dec- laration prepared at the office of origin. In case the parcel, for any reason whatsoever, has to be repacked or the original customs declaration replaced by a substi- tute declaration it is essential that the name of the office of ori- gin of the parcel and the original serial number appear on the par- cel and that the name of the office of origin of the parcel appears on the customs declaration. ARTICLE 22. RECEPTACLES. Each Administration shall pro- vide the bags necessary for the dispatch of its parcels. The bags shall be returned empty to the country of origin by the next mail. Empty bags shall be made up in bundles of ten (nine bags enclosed in one) and the total number of such bags shall be ad- vised on the parcel bill. ARTICLE 23. CHARGES. 1. For each parcel dispatched by one country to the other, the dispatching Administration shall pay to the receiving Administra- tion a terminal credit as follows: a) For parcels originating in Norway addressed to the United States of America, 70 centimes per kilogram based on the net bulk weight of each dispatch. b) For parcels originating in the United States of America ad- dressed to Norway, the same terminal credits as are collected in the general international ex- change. These terminal credits may be reduced or increased on three months' previous notice given by one country to the other. These reductions or increases shall hold good for at least one year. pakkekartet som angitt i artikkel 23,§3. 4 En omekspedert pakke skal Customs declaration, • . . etc., to accompany reo ledsages av den origmale tollan~ directed parcel. givelse. Dersom pakken av en eller annen grunn ma ompakkes eller dersom den originale tollan- givelse rna erstattes med en nS:Sd- tollangivelse, er det nS:Sdvendig at utgangspoststedets navn og det oprinnelige registernumrner set- tes pa pakken og at utgangspost- stedets nayn settes pa tollangi- velsen. ARTIKKEL 22. I'AKXINGSM.\TERIELL. Receptacles. H vert postverk skal sS:Srge for Bags to be provided. de sekker som er npdvendige til fremsendingen av dets pakker. Sekkene skal sendes tomme til- bake til utgangslandet med fS:Srste post. Tomrne sekker skal pakkes i bunter pa ti (ni sekker innpak- ket i en) og det samlede antall av sadanne sekker angi,s i pak- kepostkartet. ARTIKKEL 23. AVGIFTER. 1. For hver pakke som sen des ira det ene land til det annet, skal avsenderpostverket betale til adressepo~tverket fS:Slgende terminalgodtgjS:Srelse: a) for pakker som er innlevert i Norge og adressert til De Forente Stater, 70 centimer pro kilogram beregnet efter den samlede neUovekt av hver kartavslutning. b) for pakker innlevert i De F 0- rente Stater og adre,ssert til Norge, den terminalgodtgj~­ relse som oppebmres i alminde- lig internasjonal utveksling. Disse terminalavgifter kan nedsettes eller forhS:SIes med tre maneders varsel som gis av det ene a v landelle til det annet. Disse nedsettelser elIer forh~iel­ ~er skal gjelde for minst ett ar. Charges. Terminal credit. United States. Norway. Modifications al· lowe'.! .