Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1229

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INDEMNITY-CANADA. APRIL 15,1935. 3245 (onrention betll.:een the enited States oj America and the Dominion of CanrHla rdatil'e fo the establishment of n tribunnl to dfCide que8fions oj indemnHy andfuture regime arising from the operation of smelter at Trail, British Columbia, S1'gned at Ottawa, April 15, 1935; ratifi- cation adcised by the Senate, .June 5, 1935; ratified by the Pl'e8ident, June l:J, 1935; ratified by His ..Uaje8ty in re8pect of Canaaa, July 20, ltM,j; rat£ficat1'olls aclwnged at Ottawa, August 3, 1935; proclaimed, Augll.~t 7, J.935, A prl115, 1()3~. By TIlE PRESIDE:XT m' THE U:xrrED STATES (IF A::\IERICA A PROCLAMATION 'VHEREAS a Convention betwe(>n the President of the United States ConHntion with fA' dH' lI.f ' 1K' fG B" I d d Canada relative to cer- o merlca an IS l.l aJcsty t Ie mg 0 reat ntaln, relan ,an bin damal(es ari~in~ IB"ID " b E f" from smelter operatIons t 1e rIbs 1 ommlOns eyond the Seas, mperor 0 IndIa, In respect at Trail, British Co- of the Dominion of Canada, for the final settlement of the difficulties lUP~::rhble. arising through complaints of damage done in the State of Washing- ton by fumes discharged from the smelter of the Consolidated Min- ing and Smelting Company, Trail, British Columbia, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Ottawa on the fifteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five, the original of which Convention, being in the English language, is word for word as follows: The President of the United States of America, and His Majesty ('olllr,c!ir,,, l 'o\\"( 'TS. the King of Great Britain, Ireland and the British dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, in respect of the Dominion of Canada, Considering that the Government of the United States has com- plained to the Government of Canada that fumes discharged from the smelter of the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company at Trail, British Columbia, have been causing damage in t he State of 'Vashington, and Considering further that the International Joint Commission, established pursuant to the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909, investi- gated problems arising from the operation of the smelter at Trail and rendered a report and recommendations thereon, dated Fpbruary 28 1931, and liecognizing the desirability and necessity of effectiul! a permanent settlement, Have decid('(l to conclude a Convention for the purpo:-es aforesaid, Plenipotentiaries. and to that end have named as their respective plenipotentiaries: The President of the United States of America: PU:RTIE DE L. BOAI. , Charge d'Affaires ad int('rim of the United States of America at Ottawa; His Maje~ty the King of Great Britain, Ireland Hnd the British dominiuns beyond the Seas, Emperor of India. for the Dominion of Canada: The Right Honourable RICHARD BEDFORD BE~:XETT, Prime Min- i~ter, Presidl'nt of the I)rivy Council and SecrE'tary of

"tate fur External Affairs;