Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1231

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INDEMNITY-CANADA. APRIL 15, 1935. ARTICLE V The procedure in this adjudication shall be as follows: 1. 'Vithin nine months from the date of the exchange of ratifica- tions of this agreement, the Agent for the Government of the United States shall present to the Agent for the Government of Canada a statement of the facts, together with the supporting evidence, on which the Government of the United States rests its complaint and petition. 2. 'Vithill a like period of nine months from the date on which this agreement becomes effective, as aforesaid, the Agent for the Govern- ment of Canada shall present to the Agent for the Government of the United States a statement of the facts, together with the support- ing evidence, relied upon by the Government of Canada. 3. 'Vithin six months from the date on which the exchange of statements and evidence provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article has been completed, each Agent shall present in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 1 and 2 an answer to the statement of the other with any additional evidence and such argument as he may desire to submIt. AR'l'ICLE VI 3247 l'rocedUftl. 'Vhen the development of the record is completed in accordance orr17:25, 19 November 2014 (UTC)i~~;~:OO- with Article V hereof the Governments shall forthwith cause to be . forwarded to each member of the Tribunal a complete set of the statements, answers, evidence and arguments presented by their respective Agents to each other. ARTICLE VII After the delivery of the record to the members of the Tribunal Meetings, etc. in accordance with Article VI the Tribunal shall convene at a time and place to be agreed upon by the two Governments for the purpose of deciding 'Upon such further procedure as it may be deemed neces- sary to take. In determinin~ upon such further procedure and ar- ranging subsequent meetings, the Tribunal will consider the individual or joint requests of the Agents of the two Governments. ARTICLE VIII The Tribullal shall hear such representations and shatl receive :llld . Eddence and· l'(ln~ider such evidence, oral or documentary, as may be presented by tH~ltlOns. the Governments or by interested parties, and for that purpose shall have power to administer oaths. The Tribunal shall have authority to make such investigations as it may deem necessary and expedient, consistent with other provisions of this Convention. ARTICLE IX The Chairman shall pre~ide at all hearings and other meetings of Cootiuc-t of meetings, the Tribunal, and shall rule upon all questions of evidence and pro- etc. cedure. In reaching a final determination of each or any of the Questions, the Chairman and the two members shall each have one vote, and, in the event of difference, the opinion of the majority shall prevail, and the dissent of the Chairman or member~ as the case may be, shall be recorded. In the event that no two llwlllbers of the Tribunal agree on a question, the Chairman shall make the decision.