Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1338

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René Besnard
Louis Dop
Morocco (French zone):
René Besnard
Louis Dop
Regency of Tunis:
René Besnard
Louis Dop
Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Ronald Graham [seal]
Australia: Ronald Graham [seal]
Canada: Ronald Graham [seal]
British–Indian Empire:
Ronald Graham
Subject to reservation indicated below.
Irish Free State: Ronald Graham [seal]
New Zealand: Ronald Graham [seal]
Union of South Africa: J. S. Smit [seal]
Greece: N. Mavroudis [seal]
Hungary: R. Márffy Mantuano [seal]
Italy: Benito Mussolini [seal]
Eritrea: Benito Mussolini [seal]
Cirenaica: Benito Mussolini [seal]
Italian Somaliland: Benito Mussolini [seal]
Tripolitania: Benito Mussolini [seal]
Japan: M. Matsuda [seal]
Latvia: Pierre Leya [seal]
Lithuania: Valdemaras Čarneckis [seal]
Luxemburg: P. de Vuyst [seal]
Mexico: M. Y. de Negri [seal]
Norway: Ove P. L. van Gensten [seal]
Netherlands: A. van der Goes [seal]
Netherland India: A. van der Goes [seal]
Peru: G. Cisneros y Raygada [seal]
Persia: F. Pakrevan [seal]
Poland: S. Przezdziecki [seal]
Portugal: Henrique Trindade Coelho [seal]

With the specification that Rumania
adheres to the contribution
of states of the second category.
N. M. Vladesco

Sweden: Bildt [seal]
Switzerland: Wagnière [seal]
Czechoslovakia: Milos Čermák [seal]

Reservation by India. I hereby declare that my signature is given for India on the understanding that the Government of India accept the new method of fixing the contribution of the states acceding to the International Institute of Agriculture at Rome and agree to the amendments to paragraphs 3 and 4 of article 10 of the convention of June 7, 1905, subject to the reservation that if in any year their liability as a member of group II under the new system exceeds 11,000 rupees per annum in terms of Indian currency, they reserve to themselves the liberty of withdrawing to a lower group.

Ronald Graham