Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1584

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3590 Schedule I.-Contln· ued. Tarilf Item I 114-C 114-D 114-E 114-F 114-G 115 115-A 115-B 115-C 115-D 115-E l15-F 115-G 115-H 116 116-. \ 116-B 116-C 116-D 116-E 116-F 116-G 116-H 119 119-A 119-B 119-C 120 12o-B 121 121-13 121-C 122 122-· A 122-C 122-E 127 127-A RECIPROCAL TRADE-CUBA. ! Description of Articles

Column 1 ColulDD 2

I From 16 to 19threads, N.W ________________Kg__ : From20 to 23threads, N.W -- --- --- ______ --Kg--I From 24 to 27 threads, No W ________________ Kg __ From 28to 31 threads, N.W________________Kg__ 32 threads or more, N.W ___________________ I\:g __ I Plain and smooth fabrics, napped (,1 ' not, Ull- i bleached or white, weighing less than 10 kilo- ! ! grams per 100 square meters: I Upto6threads,N.W----------- -- ------ - - -l\:g--I From 7 to 11 threads, N.W -- -- ____ -- -- ___ -. Kg--I From 12 to 15threads, N.W ________________I\:g__ I,'rom 16 to 19threads, N.W ________________Kg__

From 20 to 23threads, N.W ________________Kg__

};'rom 24to 27threads, N.W ________________I\:g__ From 28to 31 threads, N.W________________Kg__ 32threads or more, N.W ___________________Kg__ Fabrics, twilled or figured on the loom, napped or not, unbleached or white, weighing 10 (lr more kilograms per 100 square meters: L'p to 6 threads, N.W ______________________Kg__ From 7 to 11 threads, N.W _________________Kg__ From 12to 15threads, N.W ________ ._______ .. Kg__ From 16 to 19threads, N.W ________________Kg__ From20to 23 threads, N.W ________________Kg__ l·'rom 24 to 27 threads, N.W ___ ___ ___ __ . . __ __ Kg __ I From28to 31 threads, N.W ________________Kg __ 32threads or more, N.W ___________________I(g__ I Piques and imitations thereof; and fabrics called , cr~pes and similar ones: I Piques, unbleached or white, N.W ____ ____ ___ I\:g __ \ Pique dyed a single color, or with stripes, squares I orotherdesigns,N.W--------------------Kg-., Cri!pe, N.W ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ __ Kg __ ' Napped fabrics in blankets for beds, steamer rugs I or blankets used as wearing apparel: White, dyed a single color, or printed on white or I unbleached material, N. W - -- - ___________ -Kg--I Velvety fabrics, corduroy, plush and velveteclJ: I Curled fabrics and plush,. cut or uncut, except c~r- I pets, unbleached or white, N.W __ _ _ _ , __ " _Kg_" The same, dyed a single color or figured, N.W, -Kg--I l(nit fabrics: i In the piece, N.W _________________________Kg_-' Under~hirts, drawers al:d corset-covers of double I sewmg or fine work, N.W ___________ ______ Kg __ ! Stockings, socks, gloves and other f:ffiaU art:clcs of , double sewing or fine work, N. W ___ __ __ ___ Kg, _i Trimmings and ribbons: ' Ribbons, braids and galloons not for ornamental purposes, but for finishing clothing and other made-up articles, or for manufacturing reins, bridles, cinches and footwear, including "alpar- gatas" (twine-soled sandals), N.W __ _ _ __ _ _ Kg__ 30% 40% 40% 40% 40% 30% 30% 30% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 30% 30% 30% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 40% 40% 40% 35% 50% 50% 40% 45% 50% 40% O. 196 O. 264 O. 312 O. 396 O. 51 O. 126 O. 168 O. 245 O. 276 0.36 O. 444 O. 54 O. 636 O. 126 0.154 0.175 O. 26 0.338 O. 429 O. 546 O. 624 O. 27 O. 33 O. 144 0.375 O. 435 O. 27 I. 32 1. 30 0.12