Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1685

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RECIPROCAL TRADE-BELGO-LUXEMBURG ECONOMIC UNION. 3691 Tariff Act of 193() paragraph 6 20 24 27 29 72 81 205 (b) 207 SCHEDULE II Description of Articles NOTE: The provisions of this schedule shall be construed and given the same effect, and the application of collateral provisions of the cus- toms laws of the United States to the provisions of this sche{lule shall be determined insofar as may be practicable, as if each provision of this schedule appeared respectively in the paragraph of the Tariff Act of 1930 noted in the column at the left of the respective descriptions of articles. In the case of articles enumerated in this Schedule, which are subject on the day of the signature of this Agreement to ordinary customs duties imposed under provisions of law other than the paragraph of the Tariff Act of 1930 noted in the column at the left of the respective description of the article, or imposed under a proviso of the paragraph so noted, such separate or additional duties shall continue in force until terminated in accordance with law, but shall not be increased. Aluminum sulphate _________________________ _ Chalk or whiting or Paris white: Dry, ground, or bolted ____________________ _ Ground in oil (putty) _____________________ _ Flavoring extracts, and natural or synthetic fruit flavors, fruit esters, oils and essences, all the foregoing and their combinations, containing more than 20 per centum and not more than 50 per centum of alcohoL _________________ _ Naphthalene which after the removal of all water present has a solidifying point of seventy-nine degrees centigrade or above ____ _ Cobalt 8ulphate ________________ - - - - -- - --- - __ Lead pigments: White lead __________________ _ Sodium phosphate (except pyro phosphate): Containing by weight less than 45 per centum of water______________ - ____ - __ _ __ _ - - - --- -- Not specially provided for ___________________ _ Roman, Portland, and other hydraulic cement or cement clinker______ - __________________ _ Sand containing 95 per centum or more of silica and not more than six tenths of 1 per centum of oxide of iron and suitable for use in the manufacture of glass ______________________ _ Rates of duty 0.2~ lb. 0.2~ lb. 0.5; lb. 30;lb.&18%ad val. 3.5~ lb. & 20% ad val. 5; lb. 2.1~ lb. It lb. 0.5¢ lh. 4.5¢ per ] 00 Ibs. inc. weight of container $1 per ton Schedule II.