Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1871

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RECIPROCAL TRADE-COLO~InIA. 3877 good and due form, have agreed upon til(' following articles: AHTICLE I .Artidcs thr growth, 'produce or manufacture of the "Cnited States of Amerira, enumerated and d('- scribed in Schedule I annexed to this Agreenwnt and made a part thereof, shall, on their importa- tion into the Republic of Colom- bia, be exempt from ordinary cus- toms duties in excess of those set forth in the said Schedule. For purposes of this article the term "ordinary customs duties" means the duties set forth in the Tariff Schedule of Colombian law 62 of 1931 and the respective modifica- tions tlH'reof. Except as providrd in Article 1Y of this Agreement, no other or higher duties, taxes, fees, or charges of whatcycr denomina- tion, other than customs duties, shall be imposed on or in connec- tion with the importation into the Republic of Colombia of articles the growth, produce or manufac- ture of the L"nited States of Amer- ica, enumerated and described in Schedule 1, than those imposed or required to be imposed by laws of the Republic of Colomhia in effect on the day of the signature of this Agreement. ARTICLE II Articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the Republic of Colombia, enumerated and de- scribed in Schedule II annexed to this Agreement and made a part thereof, shall, on their impor- tation into the United States of America, be exempt from ordi- nary customs duties in excess of those set forth in the said Sched- ule and, except as provided in Article IV of this Agreement,. from all other duties, taxes, fees, charges or exactions, imposed on or in connection with importation, in ('xcess of those imposed or haberlos hallado en buena y debida forma, han ('onvenido en los siguientes articulos: ARTICVLO I Los articulos 0 productos na- . Emll~ersted.imports • Into (olombls from turales 0 nlanufaeturados de los l'nited Elates. Estados Unidos de Ameriea cnu- merados y descritos en la lista I 1'0 , ,1 , p. 3890. anexa a este convenio y del cual forma parte, al importarse a Ia Republica de Colombia, estaran exentos de derechos de aduana ordinarios en exceso de los men- ('ionados en dicha lista. Para los efectos de este articulo, Ia ex- presi6n "dereehos de aduana or- dinarios" significa los derechos que apareeen en el arancel adua- nerodelaLey62de1931dela Republica de Colombia y sus respectivas modifieaciones. Con excepei6n de 10 estipulado xo excess duties, pte. en el Articulo IV de este con- venio, a los articulos 0 productos naturales 0 manufacturados d(' los Estados Vnidos de America, enumerados y descritos en la lista I, al importarse 0 a pr6posito de su importaci6n a la Republica de Colombia, no se les impondran derechos, impuestos 0 gravamenrs de cualquier denominaci6n, que no sean derechos de aduana, dis- tintos 0 superiores a los estableei· dos 0 mandados imponer por Jas le,yes de la Republiea ·de ColoIll- bia vigentes el dIa de la firma de este ('onvenio. AnTIClJLO II Los artleulos 0 productos na- Spel'lfle<l imports fmm (OIOllihm. tmales 0 manufacturados de In Republica de Colombia, enume- rados y descritos en la Jista II 1'0 . ,1 , 1 '. :1m. anexa a este convenio y del cua) forma parte, al importarse a los Estados Unidos de America, esta- ran exentos de dere('hos de aduana ordinarios en exeeso de los que s(' exponen en dicha lista y, COil excepci6n de 10 estipulado en pI Artlculo IV de este cOllvenio, de ]>0,'1, p. :l~79. todos los demas d('rechos, impues- tos, cargas, gravamenrs 0 tributos que graven la importaci6n 0 10 relativo a la importaci6n, en