Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1873

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RECIPROCAL TRADE-COLOMBIA. 3879 from all internal taxes, fees, charges or exactions, imposed by any Department or Munici- pality of the Republic of Colom- bia, other or higher than those provided for by laws in effect in the Republic of Colombia on the day of signature of this Agreement. Articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the United States of America or the Republic of Colombia,!, enumerated and described in \:jChedules I and II, respectively, shall, after importa- tion into the other country, be exempt from any national or Fed- eral internal ta..'Xes, fees, charges or exactions, other or higher than those imposed or required to be imposed by laws of the Republic of Colombia or the United States of America, re- spectively, in eff(>ct on the day of signature of this Agreement. Insofar as rates and charges for transportation services within the United States of America or the Republic of Colombia are imposed or controlled by the Government of the respective cOlllltry, goods which are grown, produced or manufactured in the territory of either country shall pay within the territory of the other country transportation rates and charges which are not discriminatory as compared with the rates and charges on like goods of domestic origin transported under like cir- cumstances and conditions. ARTICLE IY The provisions of this Agree- ment shall not apply to such special duties as are or may be required by laws of the United States of America or the Republic of Colombia to be assessed on importations which are not prop- erly marked to indicate their origin, nor to such special duties as may be required by such laws to be assessed on importations which have been sold at less than taran exentos de todo impuesto, gravamen, derecho 0 tributo in- terno establecido por cualquier departamento 0 municipio de la Republica de Colombia distinto o superior a los autorizados por las leyes vigentes en la Republica de Colombia el dia de la firma del presente convenio. Los articulos 0 productos na- turales 0 manufacturados de los Estados Unidos de America 0 de Ia RepUblica de Colombia enu- merados y descritos en las listas I y II, respectivamente, despues de importados al otro pais, es- taran exentos de todo impuesto, derecho, gravamen 0 tributo in- terno, nacional 0 federal, distinto o superior a los que impongan 0 manden imponer las leyes de Ill. Republica de Colombia 0 las de los Estados Unidos de America, respectivamente, vigentes el dia de la firma de este convenio. En cuanto ]as tarifas y cargas Transportation d .. d d charges. e ServIClOS e transporte entro de los Estados Unidos de America o dentro de la Republica de Colombia sean impuestas 0 con- troladas por el gobiemo del res- pectivo pais, los arUculos 0 pro- ductos que se cultiven, produzcan o manufacturen en el territorio de cualquiera de los dos paises, pagaran dentro del territorio del otro pais tarifas y cargas de transporte que no sean discrimi- natorias comparadas con 1as tari- fas y cargas sobre arUculos analo- gos de origen intemo, transporta- dos en iguales circunstaneias v condiciones. ~ ARTICPLO IY Las estipulaciones de este con- venio no se aplicaran a aquellos derechos especiaJes que las leyes de los Estados Unidos de America o de la Republica de Colombia impongan 0 puedan imponer a las importaciones que no esten debidamente marcadas para indi- car su lugar de origen; ni a aque- 110s gravamenes especiales que tales leyes ordenen sean im- puestos a las importaciones que Special dutles.