Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1892

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--- ---- Colombian Tariff Product Import Duty in Colom- bian Pesos per Gross Kilo Numeral 37;) Nails, brads, of iron or steel, with heads of iron. 376 377 377-A 377-B 378 381 382 384 393 393-A 410 411 414 487 Under Numeral 37.~: Horseshoe nails. Nails, brads, of iron. or steel, with heads of metal other than gold, silver or platinum. Under Numeral 376: Nails fOI shoemakers, scupper nails. Rivets, screws, nuts, bolts, of iron or steel, with cylinders having a diameter of 11 millimeters or more. Rivets of iron or steel, with cylinders of a diameter of 3/8 of an inch or more. Screws, nuts and bolts, of iron, with a cylinder or hole having a. diameter of 3/8 of an inch or more. Rivets, screws, nuts, bolts, of iron or steel, with a cylinder or hole having a diameter of less than 11 millimeters. Cooking ranges, heaters, stoves, furnaces and ovens, other than those for large industries. Under Numeral 381: Braziers, portable furnaces or cast braziers, boilers of cast iron, ideal steam ranges, cooking pots. Furniture of iron or steel, without mirrors or marble, even when having parts of wood and wire mesh, as beds and chairs. Under Numeral 382: Beds or cots, hammocks of iron or steel in combination with wood, cotton or other textile materials, as long as the metallic parts predominate in weight. Safes and strong boxes. Machines for cutting the beard and tte hair and for shaving. Blades for safety razors. Tubes or pipes, polished, nickeled or not. Under Numeral 410: Connections, elbows, llnions. Wire of any diameter, bare or covered. Under Numeral 411: Cables of copper, euros and cables protected with gutta percha, pitch, or other substances, power transmission bands and cables of all kinds. Accessories for huildings, furniture, and carriage- making, for saddlery and shoe-making, not nickeled. Under Numeral 414: Latches, handles for chests, trunks or doors, staples, huttons, drop boxes, key- hole plate, bushings for gas, spring bells (timbres), bolts, hooks for clothes racks, with or without heads of other material, knockers for doors, hinges, knobs for cots, springs, latch keys and treaderB, shutter bolts, rollers for the legs of furniture, buckles, hooks, clamps, clasps, "mosquetones" . rivets, etc. Machines for household use, and wrought or finished parts. Under Numeral 487: Machines for grinding meat, coffee, sugar, drugs, corking bottles, churning but- ter, cutting potatoes, cleaning and gre.ting fruits, for making frozen desserts, and other similar machines, appropriate for domestic uses, machines for washing clothes. O. 07 0.08 0.05 O. 005 0.005 O. 07 0.06 O. 20 O. 07 1. 00 l. 50 0.03 0.015 O.l..! 0.06