Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1900

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3906 Schedule I-Con. Colombian Tarl1l Numeral 551-A 551-B 551-C .551-D 551-E 552 552-A 552-C 552-D 553 554 554-A 555 556 557 558 574 579 594 631 633 RECIPROCAL TRADE-COLOMBIA. SCHEDULE I-Continued Product Import Duty in Colom· bian Pesos per Gross Kilo Needles for phonographs and ~raphophone8. Disks and cylinders printed with music of Colombian composers for graphophones and graphonolas (that are not of paper or cardboard). Other disks and cylinders for graphophones and graphonolas (that are not of paper or cardboard). Disks of paper or cardboal'd for graphophones and graphonolas. Disks, printed with propaganda. Magic lanterns, cinematographs, cosmoramas and projectors. Parts for the same, including apparatus of any kind for the reproduction and amplification of sound adaptable to cinematographic projections, cyl- inders or disks. Printed films for cinemato~raphs. Films for the popularizatlOn of scientific or educa- tional matter. Typewriters. Under Numeral 553: Machines for writing or filling the blanks in checks, perforators or protectors for checks. Machines for calculating. Under Numeral 554: Machines for adding, sub- tracting,~ multiplying, dividing, M Rema, Mar- chant, Monroe, Burroughs, etc. Other machines for offices and banks. Gas and water meters. Registering machines for controlling sales, etc. Under Numeral 556: National Cash Registers. Fire extinguishing apparatus and machines, powders, liquids, chemical products in ccrtridges for fire extinguishing apparatus. Other apparatus not designated especially. Earths and mineral materials for mdustrial uses not named in other parts of the tariff, raw, washed or calcinated. Under Numeral 574: Feldspar, pulverized talc, cerite, kaolin, earth infusorial or of tripoli, decayed or refractory. Manufactured articles of amianthus or asbestos. Under Numeral 579: Cloths, disks, circles, tubes, plates, etc., of amianthus or asbestos, even when combined with other materials for insulating, etc, cor4s and sheets of asbestos for machine packing. Sanitary waterclosets with indispensable accessories. Under Numeral 594: Basins, baths, bowls, bidets, even when having parts of metal, etc. Quinine, pure or in salts, in its natural state, in pills, capsules, comprimcs, solutions for hypodermiC in- jections or in any other form. Under Numeral 631: Plasmoquinine and quinoplas- mine. Medicinal plants and their pure derivatives, me- dicinal raw materials. Note for Numeral 633: Under Numeral 633 should be classified all drugs and pharmaceutical prepara- tions described in the Pharmacopoeias Britannica. and American, and in the French Codex, as well as all products, vegetable, animal or mineral, of an officinal character. 0.25 O. 25 0.50 2. 50 10. 00 O. 60 0.60 0.60 0.25 0.05 O. 08 O. 08 0.06 O. 08 Free 0.60 0.02 O. 08 O. 05 0.01 0.01 O. 3G