Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/2011

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INDEX A Abbey, Lucile A., disability claim to be exarGUned ________________________ _ Ab~t, John L., adjustment of claim ____ _ A~yan, Francisco M., payment to ______ _ Ad,ms, Homer H., payment to_________ _ Page. 2086 2294 2348 2207, Mat J., payment to____________ 2074 Ad_ms, Peter P., payment to___________ 2073 Ad,lphia Bank and Trust Co., adjustment . of claim__________________________ 2217 Adjournment or Congress: Qrdered for August 26, 1935_ _________ 2384 Ordered for June 20,1936____________ 2388 ~gning enrolled bills, etc., after __ 2384,2387 Mg~anistan, friendship and diplomatic I and consular representation agree- 'ment_____________________________ 3873 Agr~ments. See also Conventions; Ex- .. ecutive Agreements; Treaties. <lermany, terminating parts of existing treaty of friendship, commerce, etc_ 3258 Malaya, parcel-post__________________ 3133 Multilateral Economic Conventions, , agreement concerning nonapplica- tion of most-favored-nation clause_ Netherlands India, parcel-post _______ _ Turkey, parcel-post___________ - - __ - __ WUndward Islands, parcel-post ______ _ Agricultural Adjustment Act: Extension of provisions as to sugar beets 3260 2967 3201 3229 and sugar cane to Philippine Islands_________________________ 3416 Peanuts, termination of certain provi- sions with respect to_____________ 3418 Sugar-processing taxes, collected in Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Philippine Islands and Virgin Islands, held as separatefunds __________________ 3400 Amendments affecting- HawaiL ____________________ 3417,3447 Philippine Islands_ _______ ____ ____ 3421 Agricultural Adjustment Act, Amendment, correction in enrollment of. _ __ _ _ 2382,2383 Alu'ens, Lucy E., payment to _ __________ 2251 AlU!n, David N., naval record corrected__ 2228 Alrcraft, Civil, pilot licenses to operate, agreement with Great Britain______ 3731 Aircraft, Imported, recognition of air- worthiness certificates, agreement with Great Britain_________________ 3652 Air Mail Contracts, correction Un enroll- Page. ment of bill concerning_____________ 2377 Air Navigation, agreement with Great BritaUn________ __ __ ________ ____ __ _ 3720 Air Navigation Week, 1935______________ 3473 Air Transportation, International, multi- lateral convention__________________ 3000 Akins, Cora, payment to________________ 2361 Alabama, Black Warrior National Forest, establishment of; inclusion of Ala- bama National Forest______________ 3526 Alabama National Forest, Ala., Uncluded within Black Warrior National ForesL 3526 Alaska, Katmai National Monument, res- ervations made subject to claims under public-land laws_____________ 3523 Alaska Commercial Co., payment to_____ 2318 Albania: Extradition treaty with______________ _ Naturalization treaty with___________ _ Ale, decrease in rate of duty __________ _ Alfano, Louis, payment to_____________ _ Allen, Doris, payment to ______________ _ Allen, Durham E., settlement of claim of. Allen, Guy F., credit in accounts of. __ _ _ _ Allgood, John R., payment to __________ _ Alward, Edith, payment k ____________ _ American Red Cross, contributions to, 3313 3241 3434 2127 2207 2372 2124 2128 2119 for flood relief requested____________ 3502 American Surety Company or New York, payment to_______________________ 2111 Anchorage Commercial Company, Inc., payment to______________________ _ Anderson, G. M ., payment to__________ _ Anderson, Grant, payment to __________ _ Andis, R. G ., credit in accounts ot. _____ _ Anna. See Tiwastewin. Anti-Smuggling Act, establishment of 2281 2119 2319 2208 customs enforcement areas under____ 3462, 3464,3484,3485,3488 Apalachicola National Forest, Fla., estab- lishment of. ____ ____ ___ .. __ _ __ _ ___ _ 3516 Arbitration, Pan American treaty________ 3153 Arconge, Victoria, cancelation of land patent____________________________ 2149 Argentina, copyright benefits extended to citizens oL_______________________ 3413 Arkansas: Ouachita National Forest, designated areas established as game sanc- tuaries. _________ ___ _ ______ __ ___ 3439