Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/2016

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· VI Conventions-Continued. Multilateral-- General Slave Trade Act and Declara- tion of Brussels, revision _______ _ Inter-American Conciliation, addi- tional protocoL _______________ _ International Air Transportation____ _ International Institute of Agriculture, protocol to convention creating__ Pan American, extradition_________ _ N&.tionality of women ___________ _ Rights and duties of states_______ _ Sanitary Aerial Navigation_________ _ Telecommunication, internationaL __ _ Univereal PostaL _________________ _ Whaling regulation________________ _ Norway, parcel-post_________________ _ San Marino, extradition_____________ _ Sweden, exemption from military service of perscns of dual nationality _____ _ Conway, George S., Junior, payment to __ _ Conway, Patrick A•• settlement of claim of. Cook, Edmund M., credit in accounts of._ Cooper, Mick C., payment to __________ _ Copelan, Blanche. payment to__________ _ Copeland, Lawrence S .• payment to ____ _ Copeland, Robert M., payment to ______ _ Copple, Henry, credit in accounts oL ___ _ Copthorne, W. A ., payment to_________ _ Copyrights: Benefits extendcd to citizens of- Argentina____________________ - - __ _ Spain ___________________________ _ Corcoran, James A., payment to ________ _ Cordis, Louis H., disability claim to be examined________________________ _ Cordova, Frank. payment for relief ot. __ _ Cornll'ell, William, payment to _________ _ Costigan, John, military record corrected_ Cotton Cloth, increase in rate of duty - __ -_ Cotton Control Act, effecting provisions of, with respect to crop year 1935-6 __ _ _ Cotton CooperativeEl. etc., Investigation of Expenditures for, additional copies of hearings ordered______________ - ___ _ Couch, Ira L., land conveyance to, vali- dated.. ___ .. __________________

Court, Illnatins, payment to ____________ _ Court, Simon, payment to _________ - - - -_ Cowley, LaVon C., payment to _____ - - - - _ Cox, Dr. Ronald A•• license granted to_ - -_ Coy, Charles H., payment to ______ - - - - - - Cl1ykendaU, Maj. H . G ., credit in accounts of______.____.---------------------- Crawley, James H., payment to ____ - - - ....... Creswell, Paul H., payment to _____ - - - - - Crilley, A. Cyril, credit in accounts of - _ - _ Crotean, Lionel J., payment to _____

INDEX. Page. 3027 3185 3000 3350 3111 2957 3097 3279 2391 2741 3079 3042 3198 3195 2045 2372 2355 2076 2276 2123 2119 2357 2119 3413 3420 Crowell, Julia M., benefits of Employees' Compensation Act extended to _____ _ Crutchfield, Floyd M., payment to______ _ Cuba: Prohibition on exportation of arms, etc., to _____________________________ _ Reciprocal trade agrp,emenL _________ _ Cullooyah, Louise, payment to heirs of. __ Cumming, Hugh S., acceptance of certain foreign decorations authorized_____ _ Cunningham, Nellie R., payment to _____ _ Curran. James J., payment tc. estate oL __ Current, George, disability claim to be ex- amined_________ . _________________ _ Currie, Carrie K., payment to_________ _ Curry, Hugh B., payment to ___________ _ Curtis, Ezra, payment to _____________ _ Curtis, Helen, payment to _____________ _ Customs Enforcement Areas: Establishment of- No. 1 ___________________________ _ No. 2 ___________________________ _ No. 3 ________________ ___________ _ No. 4 ____________________ _______ _ No. 5 ____________ ______________ _ _ Customs Matters, agreement with Ecua- dor _____________________________ _ Cymboluk, Peter, payment to__________ _ Czechoslovakia: Commercial relations agreement. __ __ _ _ Extradition treaty __________________ _ D 2119 Dabney, MaJ. W . D ., credit in accounts of. 2293 2303 2073 2066 3518 3438 2387 2368 2143 2143 2156 2211 2196 2142 2083 2075 2152 2196 Dady, John W., credit in accounts oL __ _ Dagenett, Charles E., credit in accounts of_ Dailey, Edwin E., p03thumous appoint- ment authorized__ .___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ Daimwood, Amelia A•• payment to _____ _ Daleo, Jasper, payment to _____________ _ Daley, Frank E., payment to __________ _ Daley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank, payments to __ Dalton, Michael, payment to __________ _ D'Amato, Rocco, payment to ____ .. _____ _ Dampf'kib Aktieselshap Roskva, pa.yment to______________ .. _______________ _ Daniels, Annie E., payment to _________ _ Daniels, John H., payment to__________ _ Danzig. See Free City of Danzig. Darsey, John, settlement of claim oL ___ _ Davidson, Samuel L., payment to _______ _ Davis, Charles, dcsigdi\ted as beneficiary_ Davis, Harvey T., and Mrs., payment to_ Davis, Thelbert, paymen~ to ___________ _ D!\vis-Bacon Act. revocation of proclama- tion Buspending provisions of. _ __ _ _ _ _ Dean, W. H ., payment to ______________ _ Palr8. 2218 2119 3399 3559 2078 2221 2133 2188 2227 2057 2279 2311 2292 3462 3464 3484 3485 3488 4013 2233 3674 3253 2074, 2236 2093 2051 2316 2309 2123 2059 2354 2364 2164 22~5 2344 2119 2372 2196 2114 2119 2165 3400 2267