Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/2032

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XXIi Smith, M. M ., settlement of claim______ _ Smith, Mrs. Earl H., payment to, as ad- tnUn~tratrix ______________________ _ Smith, Mrs. WilUam E •• payment to_____ _ Smlth, Robert J., military record cor- rected___________________________ _ Smith, Wnuam E., payment to_________ _ Smock. I . B•• payment to______________ _ Snrauling. 8~ Anti-Smuggling Act. Snare and Triest Co. See Frederick Snare Corp. SnTder. Bert, military record corrected __ Sorensen, C. M . A" payment to estate of_ Sorensen, Bolger E., payment to_______ _ Sorensen, Richard J., payment to _______ _ Spain, copyright benefits extended to cit- izens of__________________________ _ 8peetor, Frank, a1justment of claim_____ _ SpenT GJroscope Company, Inc., pay- mentto_________________________ _ Spicer, Oliver L., payment to__________ _ Spiller, Edwin B., credit in accounts oL __ Sprecher, Rosalie Plar, certain immigra- tion previsions waived in favor oC __ Springer, Allen R., payment to_________ _ SPf1, LJdla C., payment to ____________ _ Squaw Island Freight 'I'ermln" CompanJ, Inc., jurisdi\}tion conferred upon Court of Claims to hear claim oC ________ _ Stafford, Mrs. David C., payment to ____ _ Standard Dreddn, Co., Imyment to ____ _ Stannard, William J., retirement of, etc__ _ 8&arbranch, N. P ., jumdiction conferred upon Court of Claims to hear claim of_______________________________ _ State Pores&&. action of Speaker in signing bill concerning, rescinded __________ _ State Investment Co., payment to ______ _ 8&a&eah, M&rJ KJIer, paymentto______ _ States, rights and duties of, Pan American COnvention______________________ _ Statistics 01 Causea of Death, multilateral agreement________________________ _ Steele, Capt. George WOf Jr., credit in accountB of______________________ _ Stein, Charles G., payment to __________ _ Stephens, R. D ., p&yment to ___________ _ Stephens, Vera, payment to ____________ _ SterUng, John A., payment to__________ _ Stern, BarrJ F., payment to estate oL __ _ Steekton, James T., credit in accounts oL Stodolulk, Michael, payment to________ _ Stokes, Judson, monthly yayments to ___ _ Stout, decrease in rate of duty__________ _ Stout, Forrest T., payment to __________ _ Strange, Robert W., settlement of claim of_______________________________ _ INDEX. Page. 2263 2246 2176 2146 2069 2120 2051 2091 2091 2196 3420 2063 2278 2083 2135 2:';;34 2120 2242 2177 2336 2103 2076 2209 2382 2298 2078 3097 3787 2124 2120 2365 2365 2120 2206 2138 2310 2162 3434 2172 2372 Strange, Sanford Madison, disability claim Page. to be examined_________ ___________ 2166 Stratton, Rose, payment to_ ____________ 2253 Streicher, Dr. M . H ., payment to________ 2265 Strunk. Frank B., payment to___________ 2136 Stuart, Sabra, payment to______________ 2179 Stubbs, Duke E., and Elisabeth S., j uris- diction conferred upon Court of Claims to hear claims of__________ __ _ 2078 StuekeJ, J. Carlisle, settlement of claim of_ 2372 Sudden and Christenson, Inc., payment to____ . _ ______ ____ _____ __ __ _______ 2150 Sugar Beets and Sugar Cane, prov~ions of Agricultural Adjustment Act ex- tended to Philippine Islandl)______ __ _ 3416 Sugar-Processing Tax Funds, establ~h- ment of, for Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Philippine Islands and Virgin Islands_ 3400, 3417,3421,3447 SUII, Charles P., payment to__ _________ 2083 Sulllvan, E. E ., payment to_____________ 2222 Summers, John L., credit in accounts of_______________________ 2124,2297,2300 Sun Pharmacy, payment to_____________ 2309 Surratt, Gladys Gage, payment to_______ 2157 Sutherland, Walter B., credit in accounts of. ________________ ._ __ ___ ___ ___ __ _ 2138 Sutton, Mrs. RaJ, relief oL___________ __ 2156 Swab, Robert E., payment to___________ 2120 Sweden: Exemption of persons of dual nation- ality from military service, conven- tion with_______________________ 3195 Extradition treaty with_______________ 2688 Reciprocal trade agreement_ __________ 3755 Switzerland: Extradition treaty with _______________ _ Recipro~al trade __________ _ Sword8shJ Frozen, increase in rate of duty_ S.,manskl, Charies, payment to ________ _ Swmanski, K. S ., payment to __________ _ T Taber, Edgar H., military reeord cor- 3192 3917 3496 2099 2330 rected____________________________ 2280 Tagliabue, A. J., credit in accounts oL___ 2080 Talanco, Stefano and EdIth, payment to__ 2090 Talley, Andrew Jackson and Becca Ade- line, execution of quitclaim deed to__ 2254 Tampa Marine Co., payment to_________ 2093 Tampico Marine Iron Works, Act for re- lief of, repealed; payment of claim of. 2324 Taplin, A. E ., payment to__________ _____ 2223 Tariff Act of 1930: Carpet 'Wool and came! hair, time ex- tended for furnishing proof of uee in Dlanufacture ________________ a432,3492 Cotton cloth, increase ir.l rate of duty __ 3518