Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/274

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2290 74TH CONGRESS. SESS. II. CHS. 368, 369, 372. MAY 6,7,1936. receipts of the office by Mary Hemke, widow of the said Edward Hemke, who, without prior designation by the Postmaster General, performed the duties of postmaster at the post office at Weisburg from January 8, 1933, the day after the death of said Edward Hemke, to May 10, 1933, both dates inclusive, such sum represent- ing the amount of compensation which Mary Hemke would have been entitled to receive had she been regularly designated as acting postmaster for such period. Approved, l\Iay 6, 1936. [CHAPTER 369.1 AN ACT Ma16,1006. --;-,~[::=H~.R:,:,,;.-;.11>,-573~.1:-;-- To amend the Act entitled "An Act for the relief of certain purchasers 01 lands in [Prh·tde, No. 546 .] the Borough of Brooklawn, State of New Jersey", approved August 19, 1935. Brooklawn, ~. J. Ante, p. 2147. Be it e7l(J.(Jted by the Senate and H (YU8e of Repr'e8eniative8 of the United States of America in Congre8s assembled, That section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act for the relief of certain p,urchasers of lands in the Borough of Brooklawn, State of New Jersey', approved August , 19, 1935, is amended to read as follows: Hefunds t') certain "That the United States Shipping Board Bureau is authorized and Pt!rchaserso( IaD<1S. d' d kfdt fId'IB h Fund~ available. Ma17,1936. [B. R .5491.] [Prlvllte, No. 547.1 lrecte torna ereun s 0presentowners0 an sIIItle oroug of Brooklawn, in the State of New Jersey, which have been purchased from the United States, of 14 per centum of the purchase price of 8uch purchased lands wher~ the full purchase price of said lands or where the full amount of principal due on purchase money bonds and mortgages given to the United States of America, represented by the United States Shipping Board, covering such lands, has been paid by such owners into the Treasury of the United States, priolo to November 1, 1931." SEO. 2. The appropriation made in section 2 of such Act approved August 19, 1935, shall be available for making refunds under such Act of August 19, 1935, as amended by this Act. Approved, ~fay 6, 1936. [CHAPTER. 372.] AN ACT For the relief of the Bethlehem Fabricators, Incorporated. Be it en(J.(Jted by the Senate and H OUR(' of Repr'('srntativ('s of tlt(! tll~~ttJ:;!!rafe~friC3. FUnbit~d StatesIof Americadin Congl'e815 a8 t

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Claim of, submitted a rIcators, ncorporate, a corpora IOn orgamze( an eXlS mg to Courto[ Claims. under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, and having its princi- pal place of business at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, is hereby author- IZed to bring suit against the United States of America ill the Court of Claims to recover damages or compensation for any loss or losses which it may have suffered by rea~on of any work done, or moneys expended, in perfonning or attempting to _perform any contract, formal or informal, or otherwise, with the United States Shipping Board or. Emergency Fleet Corporation; or moneys expended or expenses Illcurred at the re9uest of the officers of said '['"mted States Shipping Board or said Emergency Fleet Corporation, including unabsorbed overhead and cost of plant extension, and damages suffered by reason of the cancelation of any contract. Jurisdiction con· Jurisdiction is hereby conferred upon the Court of Claims of the ferred. United States to hear, consider, and determine such action upon its merits and according to the equities of the case with the view of