Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/587

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TELECOMMUNICATION CONVENTION. DECEMBER 9, 1932. 2603 VOLUME II NOMENCLATURE OF AERONAUTICAL AND AIRcRAFT Vol. n . Nomen!llo- • ture of aeronautical STATIONS and aircraft stations. Part A. Alphabetical I~x oj Aeronautical8tations Nnmeofthe station 1 Call Signal 2 See part B page 3 Part B. Descriptive List oj Aeronautical Stations (Name of the country}. . N fthtt · In alphabetical order) ame 0 e8a10n8 Waves I Service .. For trall>!- For recep- <II mission tion '" '" Ex~eo- S Name of ~~ graphi loca· fii the sta· 1>,:2 tlon of the '" .., ... tronsmittlng .<:l . _ ... ... tlon obi> ", co rIl "' . ,'" antenna I .9 .. !!!~ c.=l c "'"'" .. 0 .. C"~ .,~ ., .<:l '" f~ .. '" ~ toO toO r..~ 0 f .S 1i1 r.. ..... 8- '" Ilo. 3 .>C


t=: .. kc (m) I>. kc (m) kw '" 0 0 Eo< Eo< Z i:'; -- ;-1 -;1-5 - -- -- 1 2 6 7 I The normsl worklng·wave is printed In boldface type. I Greenwich meridian. 8 • In the ease of directive antennas, Indicate directivity and azimuth. t Greenwich menn time. 910 - - &l ~.<:l 0 11 \ Remarks 12 • The Internal telegraph charge of the country to which the aeronautiC'll station is subject and the charge applled by this country to telegrams addressed to adjoining countries are given In an annex to the present nomenclatwe. • I f the accounts for charges are settled by a private operating enterprise, indicate the name lind addre.' 1 ' of this private operating enterprise. Part O. Descriptive List oj Aircraft Stations The stations are arranged in alphabetical order of call signals with- out regard to nationality. ' 0", Waves ., II 0.9 '" .Q'" CI ~~- S <Il~ CI ., Name and "';;0 .,., '" ._.<:l .2 addreMofthe Custom· ~f ..... ., Type of "'~ .<:l I- admlnlstra- ary Calls!g' c =' O .. Coun- .. aircraft nal oc=

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., prise to which (port of .. . <:l make St' 0'", ., ... the accounts registry) "'- ~!, ~ '0 must be sent ...... 0 '" 0c= r.. Ilo. ., ~ "'0 ~ B a= kc ",,,, (m) kw '" .<:l zC= ~ Z0 --- - - --- - - --- I 2345678 9 10 11 12 I The normal working·wave is printed In bold race type. Part A. Part B. Part c.