Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/662

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2678 COMMERCE AND COXSVLAR RIGHTS-F~NLAXD. FEB. 13, 1934. Crimes in territorial When an act committed on waters. board of a private vessel under the flag of the State by which the consular officer has been ap- pointed and within the territorial waters of the State to which he has been appointed constitutes a crime according to the laws of that State, subjecting the person guilty thereof to pUnIshment as a crinunal, the consular officer shall not exercise jurisdiction except in so far as he IS permitted to do so by the local law. Local police aid to A consular officer may freely maintain order. invoke the assistance of the local police authorities in any matter pertaining to the maintenance of mternal order on board of a ves- sel under the flag of his country within the territorial waters of the State to which he is appointed, and upon such a request the requisite assistance shall be given. . _\.ppearanee .. before A consular officer may appear Judicial authOrities. •hthffi d f WIt e0cersancrews0 vessels under the flag of his country before the judicial au- thorities of the State to which he is appointed to render assistance as an interpreter or agent. ARTICLE XXVI ~otiee of death in In case of the death of a 11:1- one country of a na-. I· . hC . tional of the other. tIona of eIther Hig ontractmg Party in the territory of the other without having in the locality of his decease any known heirs or testamentary executors by him appointed, the competent local authorities shall at once inform the nearest consular officer of the State of which the deceased was a national of the fact of his death, in order that necessary informa- tion may be forwarded to the parties interested. Provisional holding I fthdthf otirl~tat'~ pr(Iperty. ncase0 eea0ana- tional of either of the High Con- tracting Parties without will or testament, in the territory of the other High Contracting Party, the consular officer of the State of which the deceased was a national and within whose district the de- ceased made his home at the time of death, shall, so far as the laws of the country permit and pend- Kun konsulivirkamiehen nimit- taneen valtion lip un suojassa kul- kevalla yksityisaluksella sen val- tion aluevesilla, johon hanet on nimitetty, on tapahtunut teko, joka muodostaa taman valtion lakien mukaan rikoksen, johon syyllinen henkilo on rikoksellisena rangaistava, ei konsulivirkamies saa kayttaa tuomiovaltaa, paitsi mildili paikallinen laki sen sallii. Konsulivirkamies saa vapaasti pyytaii paikallisten poliisivirano- maisten apua kaikissa asioissa, jotka koskevat sisaisen jarjestyk- sen voimassapitoa hanen valtionsa lipun suojassa kulkevalla aluk- sella sen valtion aluevesilla, johon hanet on nimitetty, ja taten pyydettya tarpeellista apua on annettava. Konsulivirkamies saa maansa lipun suojassa kulkevien alusten pMllyston ja miehiston mukana esiintya sen valtion oikeusvirano- maisten edessa, johon hanet on nimitetty, ollakseen avuksi tulk- kina tai asiamiehena. XXVI ARTIKLA Jommankumman K0rkean Sopimuspuolen kansRlaisen kuol- lessa toisen Sopimuspuolen alueella jiittamattii kuolinmaa- hansn tunnettuja perillisii tai maaraamiitta jalklsaadoksensa toimeenpanijoita, on asianomais- ten paikallisten viranomaisten heti ilmoitettava hiinen kuolemas- taan sen valtion lahimmaIle konsulivirkamiehelle, jonka kan- salainen vainaja oli, tarpeellisen tiedon toimittamiseksi aSlanomis- tajille. J ommankumman Korkean Sopimuspuolen kansalaisen kuol- lessa tOisen Korkean Sopimus- puolen alueella viimeista tahtoa tai testamenttia jattamattA on vainajan kotimaan konsulivirka- mies, jonka piirissa vainajalla oli kotipaikka kuolinhetkenaan, ole- va oikeutettu, milrwi maan lait sallivat ja kunnes pesanhoitaja on maaratty ja hanelle valtuudet