Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/717

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INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION. JUNE 28, 1919. tagne, de la France, de 1'ltalie, du Belgium and Switzerland. The Japon, de la Belgique et de la Committee may, if it thinks Suisse. Le Comite pourra, s 'ille necessary, invite other Members juge necessaire, inviter d 'autres to appoint representatives. Membres a se faire representer dans son seine 2733 L'ordre du jour sera Ie suivant: Agenda: Agenda. 10 Application du principe de la i' ournee de 8 heures ou de a semaine de 48 heures. 20 Questions relatives aux moyens de prevenir Ie chomage et de remedier a ses consequences. ~o Emploi des femmes: a) Avant ou apres l'ac- couchement (y com- pris la question de 1'indemnite de mater- niM) ; 11) Pendant la nuit; c) Dans les travaux l!l- salubres. 4° Emploi des enfants: a) Age d'admission au tra- vail; b) Travaux de nuit i c) Travaux insalubres. 50 Extension et application des conventions internatio- nales adoptees a Berne en 1906 sur l'interdiction du travail de nuit des femmes employees dans l'industrie et l'interdiction de l'em- ploi du phosphore blanc (jaune) dans l'industrie des allumettes. Section II. PRINCIPES GENERAUX. ARTICLE 427. Les Hautes Parties Contrac- tantes, reconnaissant que Ie bien- etre physique, moral et intellec- tuel des travailleurs salaries est d'une importance essentielle au point de vue international, ont etabli pour parvenir a ce but eleve, l'organisme permanent pre- vu a la Section I et associe a celui de la Societe des Nations. (1) Application of principle of the 8-hours day or of the 48-hours week. (2) Question of preventing or providing against unem- ployment. (3) 'Vomen's employment: (a) Before and after child- birth, including the question of maternity benefit; (b) During the night; (c) In unhealthy proc- esses. (4) Employment of chlldren: (a) Minimum age of em- ployment; (b) During the night; (c) In unhealthy proc- esses. (5) Extension and application of the International Con- ventions adopted at Berne in 1906 on the prohibition of night work for women employed in industry and the prohibition of the use of white phosphorus in the manufacture of matches. Section IL GENERAL PRINCIPLES. ARTICLE 427. The High Contracting Parties, recognising that the well-being, physical, moral and intellectual, of industrial wage-earners is of supremeinternationalimportance, have framed, in order to further this great end, the permanent machinery provided for in Sec- tion I and associated with that of the League of Nations. Oeneral principles.