Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/738

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2754 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 19iH. Ue'luirements. t:nanimity of votes. Two-thirds in (~rtain ('ase~.


Allie, p, ~:750. comme s'abstenant. Les delais precites comptcnt a partir do la date des circulaires du Bureau international. Si la proposition concerne un Armngement, son Rcglement ou leurs Protocoles finals, seules les Administrations ayant adhere a cet .A.rrangement peuvent prendre part aux operations indiquees ci-dcssus. ARTICLE 21 Condit'ions d'approbation. l.- Pour devenir excclltoires, les propositions doivent rcunir: a) I'unanimite des su{l'rll;;(~S, s'it s'agit de l'uddition de nou- velles dispositions ou de la modi- fication des dispositions des Titres IetIIetdesarticles33 a37,54a 59,61a63,65a68,70a82de Ia Convention, de tous les articles de son Protocole final et des articles 101, 105, 116, 161, 171 et 102 de son Reglement b) Ies deux tiers des suffrages, s'il s'agit de la modification des dispositions autres que celles qui sont mentionnees a l'alinea pre- cedent; c) la majorite absolue, s'il s'agit de l'interpretation des dis- positions de Ia Convention, de son Protocole final et de son Reglement, hors Ie cas de dissenti- ment a soumettrc it I'arbitrage prevu it l'article 11. Conditions to befixed. 2. -Les Arrangements fixent les conditions auxquelles est su- bordonnee I'approbation des pro- positions qui les concernent. ARTICLE 22 Notification de8 rcsolutioTl8. ~:d:nTarmstroBot (talk)h~?i:red. Les additions et les l110difiea- eration. tions npporMes it la Convention, aux Arrangements et aux Pro- tocoles finals de ('es Actcs 80nt consacrees par une declaration diplomatique que Ie Gouverne- ment de Ia Confederation Suisse est charge d'etablir et de trans- mettre, ala demande du Bureau international, aux Gouvernements des Pays contractants. ing. The periods above men- tioned are counted from the dates of the circulars of the Interna- tional Bureau. If the proposition concerns an Agreement, its Regulations, or their Final Protocols, only the Administrations which have ad- hered to that Agreement may take part in the procedure in- dicated above. ARTICLE 21 Conditions oj approval 1. In order to become effec- tive, the propositions must ob. tain: (a) Unanimity of votes, if it is a question of adding new provi- sions or modifying the provisions of Titles I and II or of Articles 33 to37,54to59,61to63,65to68, 70 to 82 cf the Convention, of any of the Articles of its Final Proto- col, or of Articles 101, 105, 116, 161, 171 and 192 of its Regula- tions; (b) Two-thirds of the votes, if it is a question of modifying provi- sions other than those mentioned in the preceding paragraph; (c) A simple majority, if it is a question of interpreting the pro- visions of the Convention, its Final Protocol or its Regulations, except in the case of disagreement to be submitted to arbitration as provided for by Article 11. 2. The Agreements fix the con- ditions to which the approval of propositions concerning them is subject. AUTICLE 22 l\~ot ijica6() n oj dec is'i ons Additions to and modifications of the Convention, the Agree- ments and the Final Protocols of those Acts flre sanctioned by a diplomatic declaration which the Government of the Swiss Confed- eration is charged with making up and transmitting, at the request of the International Bureau, to the Governments of the contract- ing countries.