Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/752

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2768 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. ARTICLE 48 ARTICLE 48 Affranchissement des correspon- Prepayment of correspondence on dances d bord des navires. board ships Ship postage require- ments. Franking privilege. Les correspondances deposees en pleine mer dans la boite d'un navire ou entre les mains des agents des postes embarques ou des commandants de navires peuvent Mre affranchies, sauf arrangement contraire entre les Administrations interessces, au moyen de timbres-posta ct d'apres Ie tarif du pays auquel appartient on dont depend ledit navire. Si Ie depot a bord a lieu pendant Ie stationnemcnt aux deux points extremes du parcours ou dans l'une des escales intermediaires, l'affranchissement n'est valable que s'il est efi'ectue au moyen de timbres-poste et d'apres Ie tarif du pays dans les eaux duquel se trouve Ie navire. ARTICLE 49 Franchise po.~;(ale. l. -Sont exonerees de tontes taxes postales les correspondances relatives au service postal echan- gees entre les Administrations des postes, entre ces Administrations et Ie Bureau international, entre les bureaux de poste des pays de l'Union, et entre ces bureaux et les Administrations ainsi que celles dont Ie transport en franchise est expressement prevu par les dis- positions de la Convention, des Arrangements et de leurs Regle- ments.

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2. -Les correspondances, al'ex- war. ception des envois greves de remboursement, destinees aux pri- sonniers de guerre on expediees par eux sont egr.lement exonerees de toutes taxes postales, aussi bien dans les pays d'origine et de destination que dans les pays intermediaires. II en est de meme des corre- spondances concernant les prison- niers de guerre, expediees ou re~ues, soit directement, soit u titre d'intermediaire, par les hu- reaux de renseignements qui se- Correspondence mailed on the high seas, in the box on board a vessel, or handed to postal agents on board or to the commanders of vessels, may be prepaid, barring contrary agreement between the Administrations concerned, by means of the postage stamps and according to the postage rates of the count.ry to which the said vessel bebngs or by which it is maintained. If the mailing on board takes place during the stav fit one of the two terminal points of the voyage or at one of the ports of cull, the prepayment is Ylllid only if it is effected by menns of the postnge stamps and according to the postage rates of the country in vdlOse waters the vessel happens to be. AUTICLF. 49 Fra nking prilJ'ilegf, 1. Correspondellce relating to the postal service exchanged be- tween Postr.l Administrations, be- tween those Administrations and the International Bureau, between post offices of countries of the Union, and between those offices and the Administrations, as well as that for which the franking privilege is expressly provided by the stipulations of the Con- vention, the Agreements and their Regulations, is exempt from all postal charges. 2. Correspondence, with the exception of C. O . D . articles, addressed to prisoners of war or mailed by t.hem, is likewise exempt from all postal charges, not only in the countries of origin and destination but also in intermedi- ate countries. The same is true of correspond- ence concerning prisoners of war, sent or received either directly or as intermediary by the informa- tion offices which may be estab- 1ished on behalf of such persons in