Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/821

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL COXYEXTIOX. MARCH 20,1034. 2837 3. -Les envois l'egulierement affranchis pour leur premier par- cours, et dont Ie complement de taxe afferent au parcours ulterieur n'a pas ete acquitte avant leur reexpedition, sont frappes d'une taxe egale a la difference entre Ie prix d'affranchissement deja ac- quitte et celui qui auralt etC perc;u si les envois avaient etC expedies primitivement sur leur nouvelle destination. 4.- Lcs envois primitivement adresses a l'interieur d'un pays et d-tlment affranchis selon Ie regime interieur sont consideres comme des envois regulierement affranchis pour leur premier par- cours. 5. - Les envois ayant circuM primitivement en franchise pos- tale dans l'interieur d'un pays sont frappes de la taxe qu'ils auraient dft acquitter s'ils avaient etC adresses directement du point d'origine au li{'u de Ia destination nouvelle. 6.-Lors de la reexpedition, Ie bureau reexpcditeur applique, dans tous Ies cas, son timbre a date au recto des lettres {'t des cartes postales. 7. -L{'s correspondances ordi- naires ou recommande{'s qui Bont renvoyees aux expediteurs pour qu'ils en completent ou en recti- fient l'adresse, ne sont pas con- siderees, lors de leur remise dans Ie service, comme des correspon- dances reexpediees; elles son t trai- tees comme de nouveaux envois et deviennent, par suite, passibles d'une nouvelle taxe. 8. - Les droits de douane et Jes autres droits non postaux dont l'annulation n'a pu ~tre obtenue a la reexpedition on au renvoi a l'origine (article 147 ci-apres) sont recouvres, par voie de rem- bonrsement, sur l'Administration de la nouvelle destination. Dans ce cas, l'Administration de la destination primitive joint a l'en- voi une note explicative et un mandat de remboursement (mo- dele C 8). Si Ie service de rem boursement n'existe pas dans les relations entre les Administrations inte- 3. Articles regularly prepaid. Prepaid (or part of for the first part of their journey Journey. and on which the additional charge for their subsequent trans- mission has not been paid before their redirection are marked with a charge equal to the difference between the amount of postage already paid and that which would have been collected if the articles had originally been sent to their new destination. 4. Articles originally addressed For interior delivery. to the interior of a country and duly prepaid in accordance with the domestic rates are considered as nrticles regularly prepaid for their first transmission. 5. Articles originally sent free Franked articles. of postage in the domestic service of a country are marked with the charge to which they would have been liable if they had been ad- dressed directly from the point of origin to the place of new destination. 6 At the time of forwarding .\pplication of dato • , statu] •. the redispatching office applies its date stamp in all cases to the front of letters and post cards. 70d' . t d t' Tn!'orrectly n,\· , r Inary or regIs ere ar 1- dressed. cles which are returned to the senders for completion or correc- tion of the address are not con- sidered as redirected correspond- ence when returned to the service; they are treated as new corre- spondence, and are therefore hable to new postage charges. 8. The customs duties and ('uslorng duties, etc other non-postal cha~es whose Iie('()\-ery. cancelation it has been nnpossibJe to obtain upon redirection or return to origin (Article 147 PO.t.I' ~'"I\I. hereafter) are recovered, thru the C. 0, D. service, from the Ad- ministration of new destination. In that case, the Administration of original destination attaches to the article an explanatory note and a C. O. D. money order (Form Po.•t.». 2895. C 8). Ifthe C. O. D. service is not in operation between the Adminis- trations concerned, the charges