Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/859

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. 2875 11 instruit les demandes de modification ou d'interpretation des dispositions qui regissent l'Union et notifie les resultats des consultations. ARTICLE 181 Publications. I.- Le Bureau international re- dige, a Faide des documents qui sont mis a sa disposition, un journal special en langues alle- mande, anglaise, espagnole et fram;aise. 2. - 11 publie, d'apres les infor- mations fournies en vertu des prescriptions de l'article 189 ci- apres, un recueil officiel de tous les renseignements d'inMret general concernant l'execution de la Con- vention et du Reglement dans chaque pays. Des recneils analogues concer- nant l'execution des Arrange- ment.s sont publies sur la demande des Administrations participant a. ces Arrangements. 3. - Le Bureau international publie egalement, au moyen des elements fournis par les Adminis- trations: a) un recueil de renseignements sur l'organisation des Administra- tions de l'Union et sur leurs ser- vices internes; b) un recueil des taxes appli- quees par les Administrations dans leur service interne; c) une liste des objets interdits; d) une liste des lignes de paque- bots; e) une liste des distances kilo- metriques afierentes aux parcours territoriaux; j) une liste des pays eloignes et assimiles; g) un tableau des equivalents. 4. - Les modifications eventuel- les apportees aux divers docu- ments enumeres aux §§ 2 et 3 sont notifiees par circulaire. 5. -Les documents publies p,ar Ie Bureau international sont dis- tribues aux Administrations dans 10. proportion du nombre d'unites contributives assignees a cha.cune d'elles par application de l'article 25 de la Convention. l04019°-3 .. ..-P T JI-53 It prepares a statement of StatementoCrequesta f d'fi' . {or changes, etc. requests or mo I catIon or mter- pretation of the provisions gov- erning the Union, and makes known the results of consulta- tions. ARTICLE 181 Publications Publications. 1. The International Bureau Special journal. publishes, with the aid of the documents which are placed at its disposal, a special journal in the German, English, Spanish and French languages. 2. It publishes, in accordance ti;)igest of Informa- with the information furnished n. under the provisions of Article PoM, p. 2880 . 189 hereafter, an official digest of all information of general interest concerning the execution of the Convention and the Reg- ulations in each country. Similar digests concerning the rumcu tion of the Agreements are published at the request of the Administrations participating in those Agreements. 3. The International Bureau Other publications. also publishes, 'with the aid of the information furnished by the Ad- ministrations: (a) A digest of information concerning the organization of the Administrations of the Union and their domestic services; (b) A digest of the rates applied by the Administrations in their domestic services; (c) A list of prohibited articles; (d) A list of steamship lines; (e) A list of distances in kilo- meters on land routes; (1) A list of distant countries and countries assimilated thereto; (g) A table of equivalents. 4. Au., modifications made in Changes in list to he the vanous documents enumer- reported. ated in Sections 2 and 3 are com- municated by circular. 5. The documents published by Distribution. the International Bureau are dis- tributed among the Administra- tions in p'roportion to the number of contnbutive units assigned to each of them by application of Article 25 of the Convention. Ante, p. 27.';6.