Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/91

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74TH CONGRESS. SESS I. CHS. 401, 403. JeLY 19, 22, 1935. ICIIAPTER 401.] AN ACT For the relicf of Mrs. George F. Freeman. 2107 Jul~ 19, 1935. IS. 475.J - [PrIvate, No-:l5oT Be it enacted by the Senate and H O'U..Se of Representatives of the United States of Arnerica in Con[lress a8scrr/,bled, That the require- m~r. George F. Free- ments of sections 15 to 20, both mclusive, of the Act entitled "An H~'Defits of Employ- Act to provide compensation for employees of the United States TarmstroBot (talk)d:;~~tion A('t sufferinO' jnJ'uries while in the performance of their duties and for Vol. a~, p. 743; Vol. I e>' 44, p.77_. ot leI' purposes ", approved September 7,1916, as amended, are hereby waived in the case of the late Doctor George F. Freeman, formerly employed by the Department of Agriculture as director of the AgrI- culture Experiment Station, l\Iayaguez, Puerto Hico, who died on September 16, 1930, and whose death is alleged to have resulted from injuries sustained in the course of such employment, and the United .states Employees' Compensation Commission is authorized and directed to consider and act upon any claim which may be filed with ~uch Commission by Mrs. George F. Freeman, widow of such Doctor George F. FrC('man, within one year from the date of enactment of this Act, for compensation under the provisions of such Act of Sep- tember 7, 1916, as amended, for the death of such Doctor George F. Freeman; but compensation, if any, shall be paid from and after the Payments. date of enactment of this Act. Such payments of compensation shall be made out of funds heretofore or hereafter appropriated for the payment of awards under the provisions of such Act, as amended. ~\ppro\'('d, July 19, 1935. [CHAPTER 403.] A~ ACT Authorizing adjustm!'nt of thc claim of Korber Realty, Incorporated. July ~, 1935. [i'1 . 4~'S.J - rPri vate~No:T5i:] Be it enacted by the Senate and Ilou.'IP of Reprcsentath'cs of the United States of America in Congrcss assembled, That the Comp- Korber Realty, In- troller General of the United States be, and he is lwreby, authorized ('O~~?f~t;;!~t of dailll and directed to adjust and settle th(' claim of Korher Realtv, Incor- of,autborized. porated, und('r lease numb('red VBr-806~ dated April 28, '1931, on account of failure to restore to former condition quarters occupied during the period ended June 30, 1932, by the Albuquerque office of the Yeterans' Administration, and to allow not to l'xeeed $500 in full and final settlement of said claim. There is hereby appropriated, AI'Propri:!tion. out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appl'opriated, the SUIll of $;)00, or so l'.Hlch thereof as lllay be nece~sary~ for payment of the claim: Pr01'ided, That no part of the amount appropriatt.J /"!'Ol 'iM .. . tl' At' f10 I fillb .I LllllltatlOn on >ltt.'r · In l1S cInexcess0 per centum t wreo s III e pal( or ney'" ell'., r,'f"_ delivered to or received by any agent or agents, attorney or attorneY:-, on account of services rendel'(>d in connection with saill claim. 'It shall be unlawful for any agent or agpnts, attorney or attorneys, to exact, collect, withhold, or recei,-e any sum of the amount appro- priated in this Act in excess of 10 per cent um thereof on account of services rendered in connection with Fait! c1aim, any contract to the c~)Jltrary notwithstanding'.. Any person violating i he provisions Penalty foniolation. of thIS Act shall be deelllPd gUIlty of a misdpnwanor and UPOIl t'011- victi011 thereof shall be filled in any :::;lllU not eXt'pellillg $1,000. Approved, July 22, 1935. 1f.I4I14I ••j~ I .... I•