Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/668

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2d Auditor, &c.For compensation of the Second Auditor, and the clerks and messenger in his office, twenty thousand nine hundred dollars;

3d Auditor, &c.For compensation to the Third Auditor, and the clerks, messenger, and assistant messenger, in his office, thirty-eight thousand three hundred and fifty dollars;

4th Auditor, &c.For compensation of the Fourth Auditor, and the clerks and messenger in his office, twenty thousand one hundred and fifty dollars;

5th Auditor, &c.For compensation of the Fifth Auditor, and the clerks and messenger in his office, fourteen thousand eight hundred dollars;

Treasurer, &c.For compensation of the Treasurer of the United States, and the clerks and messenger in his office, thirteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars;

Register, &c.For compensation of the Register of the Treasury, and the clerks, messenger, and assistant messenger, in his office, twenty-eight thousand six hundred dollars;

Commiss’r of General Land Office, &c.For compensation of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, and the recorder, solicitor, draughtsman, assistant draughtsman, clerks, messengers, and packers, in his office, ninety-eight thousand five hundred dollars;

Solicitor, &c.For compensation of the Solicitor of the Treasury, and the clerks and messenger in his office, twelve thousand four hundred dollars;

Contingent expenses in the office of the Secretary.For the incidental and contingent expenses of the Treasury Department, viz:

Secretary.In the office of the Secretary of the Treasury:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, three thousand five hundred dollars;

For newspapers and periodicals, one hundred dollars;

For labor, one hundred and fifty dollars;

For extra clerk-hire, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For printing, (including the printing of the public accounts,) two thousand five hundred and fifty dollars;

For sealing ship registers, one hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, seven hundred dollars;

For translating foreign languages, one hundred and fifty dollars.

First Comptroller.In the office of the First Comptroller:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, one thousand dollars;

For payment of arrears for binding and printing, incurred previous to the year eighteen hundred and forty-two, seven hundred dollars;

For paying for the printing of circulars and forms under the late tariff act, six hundred dollars;

For labor, four hundred and fifty dollars;

For extra clerk-hire, two hundred and fifty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, four hundred dollars.

Second Comptroller.In the office of the Second Comptroller:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, seven hundred dollars;

For labor, two hundred dollars;

For extra clerk-hire, four hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, two hundred dollars.

1st Auditor.In the office of the First Auditor:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, five hundred dollars;

For assistant messenger, three hundred and fifty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, one hundred and fifty dollars.

2d Auditor.In the office of the Second Auditor:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, four hundred and fifty dollars;

For labor, two hundred and fifty dollars;

For extra clerk-hire, one hundred and fifty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, including printing blanks, and one hundred