Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1017

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Pre8ldent of the United State_Contd. Delaware River Valley Tercentenary, invitation to Finland to participate_ Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1937, rules and regulations by ____ _ Executive Orders-- Marihuana Tax A~.-r. of 1937, carrying provisions into effect in Virgin Islands_ . ______ ______ ______ _ _ Special Mexican Claims Commission, tt.'rmination of _______________ _ Foreign-trade agreements, extension of authority to enter into __________ _ Gold Reeerve Act of 1934, Amendment, extension of powerR relating to sta- bilization fund, ete _____________ _ Greater Texas and Pan American E."p08ition, invitation to Pan Amer- ican RepUblics and Cana<la to participate, autllorizelL _________ _ Inaugural ceremonies, 1937. See In- augural Ceremonies of 1937. International Congress of Architects, invitation to foreign countriea to participate _____________________ _ International }troloum E." I'08ition, Tulsa, Okla., invitation to States and fureign countries to participate_ Oil World E."position, Houston, Tex., invitation to States and foreilCn countries to participate__________ _ Padfic Mercado, invitation to foreign countries to participate __________ _ Pan American E."position, im-itation to foreign couutries to participate ___ _ Proclamations authorized- National Aviation Day ___________ _ Neutrality Act of 1935, Amendments_ I'ere Jacques Marquette, tercentenary of birtll of, Juoe 1, 1937 _______ _ Pulaoki"s Memorial Day ___________ _ Rpain. tcrlnination or prohihition on exportation of arllls, etc., to____ _ Sugar Act of 1937, suspension of pro- visions in national emergency __ _ Thomas Jefferoou's Birthday _______ _ Stabilization funtl, ext('l\.ion of powe", relating to _____________________ _ Sugar Act of 1937, susJlension of pro- visions in national emergency ____ _ Tariff Act of 1930, extension of authority to enter illto foreign-trade agree- ments _________________________ _ Gnemployment, etc., census, taking uf, under dirf'ction of. ___________ __ _ Presidio of San Franclseo. Calif., con- struction at, authorized ____ . ______ _ Presumpseot River. Maine, exami,.,tbll authorized _______________________ _ 1251:il ~ - 37- -63 • L~DEX I.xXIU 813 354 785 24 4 19 441 7-10 835 831 202 121 207 62 3 1116 668 4 916 24 PrlDtiDI and Bindlnl: Appropriation for- Agriculture, Departmeut of ________ _ American Battle Monument. Com- mission _______ ______________ ~ _ Board of Tax ApJl€als _____________ _ Central Statistical ________ __ _ Commerce, Department of _______ _ District of Columbia_____________ _ Employees' Com"""...ti"n CumIllL<- aion ___________________ _ Exeeutlve Office __________________ _ Farm Credit Administ.... tioll _______ _ Federal Communicatio"8 Commiesio,,_ Federal Power Commiasion __ . _ _ _ _ _ Federal Trade Commission _______ _ Fine Arts, Commission of________ _ General Accountiog Office _________ _ Interior, Department of the ________ _ Interstate Commeree Commission __ Justice, Departmer,t of. __ _ __ _ _ _ I.abor, Department of ____ _ J.ibrary of Cong'CRIl _____ _ National Ad, ·jl!Ory Committe'< ' fur Aeronautics ________________ _ National ArchlvCII _____ _ Sational Labor Relatiuns Doart! ___ _

'IOationai Mediation Doard ______ _

I\ational Railroad Adjustment noar.\. Navy Depanment. __ Post Office Department. __ Railroad Retiremellt Board ___ _ Rural J':lectrification Administratioll_ Securitie8 and Exchange Conlnlit,..~iull_ Smithsol.ian In8titutioll_ Social Security lIoard __ Htat.." Dppartment of _ Tariff Commission __ _ Treasury Departn.t 'nt. ____ _ Veterans' Administration _____ _ War Department_____ ._ De6cieney appropriation for- Charles Carroll of Carrollton Hi('t'lI - tenary Commissioll __ _ Commerce, Dcpartment of _____ _ District of COhlD.hiaL __ courts __________________ _ D;"trict of Cohullhia Airport {"..m - miH8iou. __ _ _._ ~:'arJn Credit A<Jiniuistrutiuu ____ _ Fed..ral Trade Commix"iun ____ _ ,I ustice, Department of _ Labor, Department of __ _

'10 ..tiunal Labor Relations Board ____ _

Post Ollice Department___________ _ Stute, Department of ______ ___ Tellne8800 Valley Authority __ Tn·asury nepartment __ _ Budg'·t, Bureau of the __ 397 330 331 331 284 364


330- 433 334 3.15 335 567 3:lil r,tjt' 338 274 298 183 338 339 339 340 340 117 156 341 341 342 343 344 262 345 139 347 444 10 219 12 218 10 II 135 765 767 7!i8 226 227 217 229 14 •