Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1020

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LXXVI INDEX llaIIroad Retirement Ad of 1937-Contd. Paee Separability ofprovisions_____________ 316 Social Security Act, term "employ- ment" modified_________________ 317 Ra1lroad Retirement Board. S.. aI.o Railroad Retireme... t Act of 1937. Appropriation for _____________ 136 ,340 ,470 RaIlroad&. Se. Carriers. RaIlwa, Mall Semee: Appropriaticm for___________________ 159 Stenographer grIIde provided, offices of chief clerks and 8uperintendents___ 647 Ra....I . . Pa.. time extended for bridging Monongahela River at_____________ 245 Rarltu Rlyer. N.I.• improvement author- i.eIL_______ _____ ____ _____ ___ _____ 845 Raw-Materials bnstilalio.., appropria- tion foree_eo. ____________________ 286 Real Estat. Broker.. ete., reguIo.tion of. Se. District of Columbia. ReeeiYer8ldp ProeeediDl" prohibition on certain agreements fixing compensa- tion; appointment of certain persons as receivers, etc___________________ 810 Redproea1 Trade AareementB, extension of authority of Presideut to enter into_ _ _ _ __ ____ ________ ______ _____ 24 Ree1amatlo.. Bureall or. Se. alao In- terior' Department of. Irrigation, restriction on use of funds where district is in arrears_ _______ 592 Reclamation Law.. construction of small reservoirs authorized under_ __ ___ ___ 841 ReclamatioD ProJecta: Commission created to investigate finan- cial, etc., conditions; report anel recommendations to Congress ___ " _ i37 Appropriation authorized for ex- peWles ___________________ . _ __ 738 Appropriation for _ _ _ __ __ __ ______ 764 Extension of time fo~ payment au· thorized___ ____ _______ _____ ___ 738 Reeoll8Crllction Finance Corporation: Administrative expenses, amount avail- able for________ __ ______ _______ __ 350 ('Antinuation of, until June 30, 1939_ __ 5 Authority to incur obligations_____ _ _ 5 Disaster Loan Corporation, Buhacril>- tion of capitalatook by__________ _ 19 }<'edcral Emergency Administration of Public Works, investment in aceu- rities of, increased_____ __ _ __ ___ __ 357 Reeoucnactloa PlUDee Corporatioa Mort- . . . . Compan,. authority to ineur ob- ligations after lune an, 1937 ______ . __ 5 Red-Ced... SIda.lea: Stat·istiea concerning, collect.ion and pUblication by Director of the c.maua. ____________________ eo. _ 204 Appropriatir)n authorized __ " _ __ _ _ 205 Red.Ced... Shln.le_Continued. Statistics conoernillg-Colltinued. Jnformation required to be furnished; penalty provision ______ •• __ __ _ _ ~fonth1y statements to be furnished; distribution________ • __ __ • __ _ _ roc of Infonnatlon; penalty pro- vision_______________ • __ _ _ _ _ _ . Reform&torfe.. appropriation for ________ _ Reformatory Gamp, Federal, Petersbarll. Va., approprie-tlon for _____________ . Reilional Allricaltllr.. Credit Corpora- tion.. powers, etc., conferred ____ . __ _ Consolidation and merger of. ________ _ RehabWtaUoll Loan.. S . . Bankhead- Jones Farm Tenant Act. Reindeer. See AIa8ks Rell..,. S ....lao Emergency Relief Ap- propriation Aet of 1937. Relief and work relief, appropriation for_________• __e. ______ • ______ _ Reor.anlzallon Proceedln••, prohibition on certain agreements fixing compen· sation; appointment of certain per- sons 88 receivers, ete ______ •• _. ____ _ Reparation Orders. S .. Perishable Agri· cultural Commodities Act, 1930. Amendments. Resale Price Malntenance. contracts for. l"gaJiz~d where lawful in intrastate transactions _____________________ _ Research and Statistics, Division of. Be. Treasury Dcpartment. Reserve Officers, pen.ion 1aw8 for [lea(:c- time sC"'ice e"tended to ___________ _ Reserve Officers' Trainln. Corps: Appropriation fur _ •• ___ ___ ___ _ • _ _ __ _ Restriction on further enroliments, Air, Dcntal, and Veterinary Corps ____ _ Reservoir.. construction of, authorized under reclamation laws ____ • __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Resetliement Administration, Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 193;, amount available for loans,, by _____________________________ _ Resettlement Projects. See Bankhead· Jones Farm Tenant Act. Retirement. See Civil Service Retirement Act of 1930, Amendment; Panama Canal: Panama Railroad Company; Railroad Retirement Act of 1937; Supreme Cuurt of the Unitcd States. Rnenae Ad of 1926, Anteadmellt, tax ex- emption on steamship tickets betw.,. .n lTnited States Rnd Puerto Rico _____ _ Revenlle Ad of 1932, Amendmellt8: Exci.e and miscellaneous taxes, e"«'ll- sion of certain. ______________ _ Go.soline tax, extension of _______ . _.. Postage rates, extension of____ • _ _ __ .__ 205 204 205 281 281 716 717 10 SIO 693


Ul5 466 S41 R70 358 358 358