Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/11

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Pag e Bridge, Potomac River . AN ACT Authorizing the State Roads Com- mission of the State of Maryland and the State Highway De- partment of the State of Virginia to construct, maintain, and operate a free high way bridge across the P otomac River at or near a poin t in the vicinity of Point of Rocks in Frederick County and a point near the south end of Loudoun County to take the place of a bridge destroyed by flood in 1936 June 9, 1937 250 Bridge, Columbia River. AN ACT Authorizing the county of Wahkia- kum, a legal political subdivision of the State of Washington, to construct, maintain, and operate a fr ee highway bridge across the Columbia River between Puget Island and the mainland, Cat hlam et, State of Washington June 9, 1937 251 Bridge, Mississippi River . AN ACT To ext end the times for com- mencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi River between Saint Louis, Missouri, and Stites, Illinois June 9,1937 251 Coast Guard, retired officers . AN ACT To adjust the ra nk of certain Coast Guard officers on the retired list June 9, 1937 252 Americ an Leg ion Mu seum, Newpor t News , Va. AN ACT To authorize the Work s P rogr ess Admi nis trat ion to lend or give Wor ld War relics and other property at Fort Eustis, Virginia, to the Ameri- can Legion Museum at Newport News, Virginia June 10, 1937_-- 252 Joint Congressional Committee on Tax Evasion and Avoidance . JOINT RESOLUTION To create a Joint Congressional Committee on Tax Evas ion and Avoid ance June 11, 1937 253 New York World's Fair, 1939, copyrights . JOINT RESOLUTION To protec t the c opyrigh ts and patent s of fo reign e xhibito rs at t he New Y ork World's Fair, to be he ld at New Yor k Cit y, New York, in 1939 June 11,1937254 San Francisco, Calif ., cemetery . AN ACT To authorize the acquisition of land for cemeterial purposes in the vicinity of San Francisco, Califo rnia Jun e 11,1937 256 Interstate, etc ., shipment of petroleum products . AN ACT To contin ue in effect until June 30, 1939, the Act entitled "An Act to regulate interstate and foreign commerce in petroleum and its products by prohibiting the shipment in such commerce of petroleum and its products produced in violation of State law, and for other purposes", approved February 22,1935 June 14, 1937257 National Education Association of the United States, charter amend- ments . AN ACT To amend the Act entitled "An Act to incor- porate the National Education Association of the United States", approved June 30, 1906, as amended June 14, 1931 257 Alaska, municipal bonds . AN ACT To a mend Public Law N um- bered 626, Seventy-fourth Congress June 14,1937 258 Illinois Waterway, improvement, etc . JOINT RESOLUTION Author- izing a modification in the existing project for the improvement of the Illinois Waterway, Illinois, and the abandonment of a portion of the Calumet River June 14, 1937

258 U. S. S. Tulip, m emorial . A N ACT Authorizing an appr opriation for the creation of a memorial to the officers and men of the United States Navy who lost their lives as the result of a boiler explo- si on th at totally destroyed the United States ship Tulip near Saint Inigoes Ba y, Maryland, on November 11, 1864, and for other purposes June 15,193,7 259 Department of Labor, statistical studies . AN ACT To authorize the Department of Labor to continue to make sp ecial statistical studies upon payment of the cost thereof, and for other pur- poses June 15, 1937_

259 Maine coast, Coast Guard stations, establishment . AN ACT T o provide for the establishment of Coast Guard stations along the Maine coast June 15,19


259 Washington eastern judicial district. AN ACT To amend section 112 of the Judicial Code, to provide for the inclusion of Whitman County, Washington, in the northern divisi on of the eastern district of Washington June 15, 1937 260 San Francisco Bay, Coast Guard air station. AN ACT Authorizi ng the Secretary of the Treasury to establish a Coast Guard air station at the San Francisco Airport , to provide for quick rescue facilities on the San Francisco Bay ; to strengthen the Immigration and Customs Service patrol ; and for other pu r- poses-

June 15,1937 260 Albert Gallatin statue, Washington, D. C. JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the selection of a site and the erection of a pedestal for the Albert Gallatin statue in Washington, District of Columbia June 15, 1937 260