Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/126

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7 5TH CO NGR ESS, 1ST SESSION-M . 140-APRIL 27, 1937 not less than $3,3 59,469 shall be avai lable, in addition to other appro- priations, for aviation material, equipment, fuel, and rental of hangars, and not more than $397,914 shall be available, in addition to other appropriations, for fuel and the transportation thereof, and for all other expenses in connection with the maintenance, operation, repair, and upkeep of vessels assigned for training the Naval Reserve, and of such total sum $6,568,489 shall be available exclusively for and on account of Naval and Marine Corps Reserve aviation : Provided, That no appropriation contained in this Act shall be available to pay more than twenty officers of the Naval Reserve and one officer of the Marine Corps Reserve above the grade of lieutenant or captain, r espectivel y, the pay and allowa nces of th eir grade for the pe rform- ance of active duty other than the performance of drills or other equivalent instruction or duty, or appropriate duties and the per- formance of fifteen days' active training duty, and other officers above such grades employed on such class of active duty (not to e xceed four months in any calend ar year) s hall not b e entitled to be paid a greater rate of pay and allowances than authorized by law for a lieutenant of the Navy or a captain of the Marine Corps entitled to not exceeding ten years' longevity pay : Provided further, That no appropriation made in this Act shall be available for pay, allowances, or traveling or other expenses of any officer or enlisted man of the Naval or Marine Corps Reserve who may be drawing a pension, disability allowance, disability compensation, or retired pay from the Government of the United States ; and "retired pay" as here used shall not include the pay of transferred members of such reserve forces . NAVAL ACADEMY Pa y, Naval Academy : For pay of professors and instructors, in cluding one pr ofessor as lib rarian, and s uch amo unts as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act approved Janu- ary 16, 1936 (49 Stat ., pp . 1092, 1093), $293,561, of which $1,487 shall be available immediately : Provided, That this appropriation shall not be available for the employment of more than nine masters and instructors in swordsmanship and physical training . For pay of other employees, $609,821, of which $2,474 shall be available exclusively on account of the collection of ship models bequeathed by the late Henry H . Rogers : Provided, That the sum to b e paid out of this ap propriatio n for empl oyees assi gned to gr oup IV (b) and those performing similar services carried under native and alien schedules, in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department, shall not exceed $251 ,440 . fi Current and miscellaneous expenses, Naval Academy : For text and reference books for use of instructors ; stationery, blank books and forms, models, maps, newspapers, and periodicals


and materials for instruction in physical training and athletics

expenses of lectures and entertainments, not exceeding $2,000, includ- ing pay and exp enses of l ecturers a nd visitin g clergyme n


philosophical apparatus and instruments, stores, machinery, tools, ttings, apparatus, materials for instruction purposes, and purchase of and engraving of trophies and badges, $50 .000 ; for purchase, bind- ing, and repair of books for the library (to be purchased in the open market on the written order of the superintendent), $5,500 ; for expenses of the Board of Visitors to the Naval Academy, $1,200

for contingencies for the superintendent of the Academy, to be expended in his discretion, not exceeding $4,000 ; for contingencies for the commandant of midshipmen, to be expended in his discretion, not exceeding $ 1,200 ; in all, $61,900, to b e accounted for as one fund . 101 Aviation material, hangars, etc . Aviation, Naval and Marine Corp s Re- serve . Provisos . Reserve officers per- forming active duty . Limitation . Pay, allowances, etc., restrictions . Naval Academy. Pay of prof ess ors, etc . Annuities . 49 Stat. 1092. 34 U. S. C., Supp. II, §§ 1073-I073e . Proviso . Swordsmanship in . struction, etc . E mployees . H . H . Rogers collec- tion of ship models . Post, p.102. Proviso. Group IV (b) em- ployees . Current, etc ., expen- ses . Le ctures, e tc. Library. Bo ard of Vi sitors .