Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/172

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75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH. 180-MAY 14, 1937 BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING For the work of engraving and printing, exclusive of repay work, during the fiscal year 1938, of United States currency and internal- revenue stamps including opium orders and special-tax stamps required under the Act of December 17, 1914 (U. S. C., title 26, sees. 1040, 1383), checks, drafts, and miscellaneous work, as follows : Salaries and expenses : Fo r the Direct or, tw o Assi stant Direct ors, and other personal services in the District of Columbia, including wages of rotary press plate printers at per diem rates and all other plate pri nters at piece rat es to be fixed by the Secre tary of t he Treas- ury, not to exceed the rates usually paid for such work; for engravers' and printers' materials and other materials, including distinctive and no ndisti nctive paper, exce pt dis tinctiv e pape r for United State s currency, national-bank currency, and Federal Reserve bank cur- rency; equipment of, repairs to, and maintenance of buildings and grounds and for minor alterations to buildings; directories, technical books and periodicals, and books of reference, not exceeding $300; rent of w areho use i n th e Dis trict of Colum bia; trav eling expens es not to exceed $2,000; uniforms for guards not to exceed $2,000; mis- cellaneous expenses, including not to exceed $1,500 for articles approved by the. Secretary of the Treasury as being necessary for the protection of the person of employees; for transfer to the Bureau of Standards for scientific investigations in connection with the work of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, not to exceed $15,000; and for the maintenance and driving of two motor-propelled passen- ger-carrying vehicles; $7,500,000, to be expended under the direction of the Secre tary of the Treasu ry . During' the fiscal year 19 38 all proceeds derived from work per- formed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, by direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, not covered and embraced in the approp riatio n for such B ureau for su ch fisc al yea r, ins tead o f bein g covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts, as provided by the Act of August 4, 18 86 (U. S. C., title 31, sec . 176), shall be credited when received to the appropriation for said Bureau for the fiscal year 1938 . Salaries : For the Chief of the Division and other personal services salaries . in the District of Columbia, $53,160. Suppressing counterf eiting and other crim es : F or expenses incurred under the authority or with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury in detecting, arresting, and delivering into the cus- tody of the United States marshal having jurisdiction dealers and pretended dealers in counterfeit money and persons engaged in coun- terfe iting, fo rging, an d alterin g United States n otes, bon ds, natio nal- bank notes, Federal Reserve notes, Federal Reserve bank notes, and othe r obli gation s and securi ties of the U nited States and o f fore ign governments, as well as the coins of the United States and of foreign governments, and other crimes against the laws of the United States relating to the Treasury Department and the several branches of the public service under its control; purchase (not to exceed $25,000), exc hange, hi re, m ainte nanc e, re pair, and oper ation of m otor -pro- pell ed pas senger -carry ing ve hicles when n ecessa ry; pu rc ha se of a rms and ammunition; traveling expenses; and for no other purpose what- soever, except in the performance of other duties specifically author- ized by law, and in the protection of the person of the President and the members of his immediate family and of the person chosen 147 Engraving and Printing Bureau . Work authorized for fiscal year 1938 . 38 Stat. 786. 26U.S.C.§§1040, 1383 . Salaries and ex- penses . Materials, etc . Reference books, etc . Miscellaneous ex- pe nses . Scientific investiga- tions . Vehicles . Cred it of pro cee ds from work . 24 Stat . 227. 31U.S.C.§176. SECRET S ERVICE DIVISIO N

Secret Service Di- vision . Sup pre ssi ng cou n- terfeiting, etc . Protect ing the Pres- ident, etc.