Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/177

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152 Salamanca, N . Y., ground rent. Provisos. Cost of surveys, models, etc . Not available for transporting operat- ing supplies . Pay rates, mechan- ical labor force . Repair, preserva- tion, and equipment, public buildings . Pneumatic tube sys- tem, New York City . 36 Stat. 120; 45 Stat. 53 3. Provisos . Personal services, restriction. Limitation on re- pair, etc . 75 TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 180-MAY 14, 1937 subjects related to the work of the Division of Procurement, Public Buildi ngs B ranch, and trans portat ion o f hous ehold good s, inc ident to change of h eadqua rters of a ll emp loyee s enga ged i n fie ld act iviti es, not to exceed five thousand pounds at any one time, together with the necessary expenses incident to packing and draying same ; adver- tising, not exceeding $1,000 for expenses of educational exhibits, spe- cifica lly a pprove d by the S ecreta ry of the T reasu ry, t esting inst ru- ments, law books, books of reference, technical periodicals and jour- nals, drafting materials, especially prepared paper, typewriting machines, adding machines, and other mechanical labor-saving devices, and exchange of same, carpets, electric-light fixtures, furni- ture, equipment, and repairs thereto, telegraph and telephone service, freight, expressage, and postage incident to the transportation of drawings to and from the office and such other contingencies, articles, services, or supplies as the Secretary of the Treasury may deem necessary and specially order or approve in connection with any of the work o f the Proc urement D ivision, P ublic Bui ldings Bra nch ; rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, including ground rent of the Federal building at Salamanca, New York, for which payment may be made in advance, and including such expenses necessary to wind up the affairs of the United States Housing Cor- poration and effect its dissolution • $914,220, of which amount not to exceed $502,360 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia and not to exceed $275,860 for personal services in the field : Provided, That the foregoing appropriations shall not be available for the cost of surveys, plaster models, progress photo- graphs , tes t pits and borin gs, or mill and s hop i nspec tions, but the cost thereof shall be construed to be chargeable against the construc- t ion ap propr iatio ns of the r espect ive p rojec ts to which they relat e : Provided further, That no expenditures shall be made hereunder for transportation of operating supplies for public buildings : And pro- vided further, That in no case shall the rates of compensation for the mechanical labor force in the field under this appropriation be in excess of the rates current at the tme and in the place where such services are employed . Repair, preservation, and equipment, public buildings : For repairs, alterations, improvement, and preservation of completed Federal buildings (including Marcus Hook), the grounds and approaches thereof, wharves, and piers, together with the necessary dredging adjacent thereto, and care and safeguarding, not otherwise provided for, of sites acquired for Federal buildings, including tools and materials for the use of the custodial and mechanical force, wire p artiti ons a nd in sect s creen s, ins talla tion and re pair of mec hanic al equipment, gas, and electric-light fixtures, conduits, wiring, platform scales, and tower clocks ; vaults and lockbox equipment in all build- ings under construction or completed, and for necessary safe equip- ments in buildings under the administration of the Treasury Department, including repairs thereto, and changes in, maintenance of, and repairs to the pneumatic-tube system in New York City installed under franchise of the city of New York, approved June 29, 1909, and June 11, 1928, and the payment of any obligations aris- ing thereunder in accordance with the provisions of the Acts approved August 5, 1909 (36 Stat . 120), and May 15, 1928 (45 Stat . 533), $2,750,000 : Provided, That the appropriation herein made shall not be available for the payment of personal services, except for work done under contract , or for temporary job labor under exigency in an amount not to exceed $100 at one time . a t any one building : Pro- vided further, That the total expenditures for the fiscal year for the repair and preservation of buildings not reserved by the vendors on