Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/185

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160 Servi ce improve- ments. Indemnities, inter- national mail . Rural Delivery Service . Third Assistant Postmaster General . Sta mps, st ampe d paper, postal cards, etc . Indemnities, lost, etc ., domestic mail . Unp aid mo ney or- ders more than one year old. Fou rth As sis tant Postmaster General . Stationery, etc . Postal Savings Sys- tem, supplies. Bond expenses . 36 Stat . 817. 39U.S.C .°760. Miscellaneousequip- ment. Lette r boxe s. Postma rking, etc ., 'stamps. Furniture, etc., rented quarters . 75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 180-MAY 14, 1937 ized by law, and for the incidental expenses thereof, including not to exceed $22,200 for supervisory of ficials and clerks at air-mail transfer points, and not to exceed $46,460 for personal services in the District of Columbia and incidental and travel expenses, $14,500,000, of which not less than $1,400,000 shall be available for extensions, new routes, and increased frequency of schedules . Indemnities, international mail : For payment of limited indemnity for the injury or loss of international mail in accordance with con- vention, treaty, or agreement stipulations, $15,000 . Rural Delivery Service : For pay of rural carriers, auxiliary car- riers, substitutes for rural carriers on annual and sick leave, clerks in charge of rural stations, and tolls and ferriage, Rural Delive ry Servi ce, and for t he incidental expenses ther eof, $92,500,000, of which not less than $250,000 shall be available for extensions and new service . OFFICE OF THE THIRD ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Manufacture and distribution of stamps and stamped paper : For manufacture of adhesive postage stamps, special-delivery stamps boo ks of stamps , stam ped e nvelop es, ne wspap er wra ppers, postal cards, and for coiling of stamps, and including not to exceed $22,300 for p ay of agent a nd assistants to examine an d distribute stamped envelopes and newspaper wrappers, and for expenses of agency, $4,450,000 . Indemnities, domestic mail : For payment of limited indemnity for the injury or loss of pieces of domestic registered matter, insured and c ollect-on-del ivery mail, an d for failure to remit col lec t-o n- delivery charges, $625,000 . Unpaid money orders more than one year old : For payment of domestic money orders after one year from the last day of the month of issue of such orders, $225,000 . OFFICE OF THE FOURTH ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Post office stationery, equipment, and supplies : For stationery for the Postal Service, including the money-order and registry system ; and also for the purchase of supplies for the . Postal Savings System, including rubber stamps, canceling devices, certificates, envelopes, and stamps for use in evidencing deposits, and free penalty envelopes ; and for t he rei mburse ment of the Secre tary of the Treas ury for expenses incident to the preparation, issue, and registration of the bonds authorized by the Act of June 25, 1910 (U . S . C ., title 39, sec . 760) ; for miscellaneous equipment and supplies, including the pur- chase and repair of furniture, package boxes, posts, trucks, baskets, satchels, straps, letter-box paint, baling machines, perforating machines, duplicating machines, printing presses, directories, clean- ing sup plies, and th e manufacture, repair, and exchange of eq uip- ment, t he erection a nd painting of letter-box e quipment, and for the purchase and repair of presses and dies for use in the manufacture of l et ter b ox es ; for postmark ing, rating, money-order st amps, and electrotype plates and repairs to same ; metal, rubber, and combina- tion type, dates and figures, type holders, ink pads for canceling and sta mping purpose s, and for the purchase, ex change, and re pair of type writing machi nes, envelope- opening machi nes, and compu ting machines, numbering machines, time recorders, letter balances, scales ( excl usiv e of dor mant or buil t-in pla tfor m sc ales in Fede ral buil d- ings), test weights, and miscellaneous articles purchased and furnished directl y to the Post al Service, in cluding compl ete equipment and furniture for post offices in leased and rented quarters ; for the pur-