Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/228

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of minority or misrepresentation of age . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in the admin- istration of any laws conferring rights, privileges, or benefits upon honorably discharged soldiers of the Uni ted States Army, their widows and dependent children, a soldier who was enlisted between April 21, 1898, and July 4, 1902, both dates inclusive, and who was discharged for fraudulent enlistment on account of minority or mis- representation of age, shall hereafter be held and considered to have been discharged honorably from the military service on the date of his actual separation therefrom, if his service otherwise was such as would have entitled him to an honorable discharge : Prov ided, That no back pay or allowance shall accrue by reason of the passage of this Act : Provided further, That in all such cases the War Depart- ment shall, upon request, grant to such men or their widows a dis- charge certif icate showin g that the s oldiers are h eld an d cons idered to have been honorably discharged under the provisions of this Act . Approved, May 25, 1937 . Army . Soldiers discharged during Spanish-Amer- ican war, etc., be - cause of minority or age misrepresentation deemed honorably dis- charged. Provisos . No back pay, etc . Issuance of dis- charge certificate . purp oses . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to convey to the State of Virginia, for highway purposes only, upon such terms and conditions as he may prescribe, all right, title, and interest of the United States of America in and to that portion of the Fort Myer Military Reservation, Arling- ton Co unty, Virgin ia, an d that secti on of t he mil itary road c onnect - ing the said reservation with Key Bridge, over which the State of Virginia was granted permission to extend a State highway known as the Lee Memorial Boulevard by instrument dated July 1, 1936 : Pr o v id e d, That the Secretary of War is authorized to make such deviations in the descriptions of the lands involved as may be neces- sary to carry out the purposes and intent of this Act . SEc. 2. The Secretary of War is hereby further authorized, upon such terms and conditions as he may consider advisable, to sell or other wise d ispose of th at por tion of the F ort My er Mil itary Reserv a- tion comprising the northwest corner thereof, containing approxi- mately two and two-tenths acres, which will be separated from the main body of said reservation by the conveyance to the State of Virginia of one of the parcels referred to in section 1 hereof . Approved, May 25, 1937 . Virginia. Conveyance of por- tion of Fort Myer Military Reservation to, for highway pur- poses . Proviso. Deviations in de- scriptions permitted . Disposal of certain detached portion . 75Tx CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CHS . 253, 254-MAY 25, 1937 203 [CHA PTER 2531 AN ACT May 25, 1237 For t he re lief of so ldier s who were disc harge d fro m the Army durin g the Span ish- [8 .2101 American War, the Philippine Insurrection, and the Boxer Uprising because [Public, No . 108] [CHAPTER 254] AN ACT May 25 ,19 37 Authorizing the conveyance to the State of Virginia, for highway purposes only, is . 12121 of po rtions of t he Fort My er Militar y Reservat ion, Virgi nia, and f or other [Public, No . 1091