Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/240

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75 TH C ONGR ESS, 1sT SE SSIO N-CH . 277 -MAY 28, 19 37 Books for adult blind : For an additional sum required to enable the Librarian of Congress to carry out the provisions of the Act entit led "An A ct to pro vide books for the adult bli nd", appro ved March 3, 1931 (U . S . C ., title 2, see . 135a), as amended, fiscal year 1938, $100,000 : Provided, That a statemen t of expenditures from this appropriation shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget. EXE CUT IVE IND EPE NDE NT OFF ICE S FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Salaries and expenses : For an additional amount for salaries and expenses of the Federal Communications Commission, f isc al year 1937, including the same objects specified under this head in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1937, $60,000 . GREAT LARKS EXPO SITION For the expen ses of th e par tici patio n of the Gover nment of the United States in the Great Lakes Exposition as provided for by Public Resolution Numbered 23, approved April 12, 1937, $100,000, together with the unexpended balance of the appropriation for the Great Lakes Exposition contained in the Act making appropriations for the Departments of State and Justice, and for the Judiciary, and for the Departments of Com merce and Labor, for the fisca l year ending June 30, 1937, to remain available until June 30, 1938 . INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION General administrative expenses : For an additional amount for el even Com missione rs, secr etary, an d for al l other authoriz ed expen - ditures necessary in the execution of laws to regulate commerce, including the same objects specified under this head in the Inde- pendent Offices Appropriation Act, 1937, fiscal year 1937, $95,000 : Pr ovided, That the reappropriation under this head in the Inde- pendent Offices Appropriation Act, 1937, making available for the fiscal year 1937, $118,000 of the unexpended balance of the appro- priation for this purpose for the fiscal year 1935, is hereby repealed . Regulating accounts : For an additional amount to enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to enforce compliance with section 20 and other sections of the Interstate Commerce Act as amended by the Act approved June 29, 1906 (U . S. C ., title 49, sec . 20), and as amended by the Transportation Act, 1920 (U . S . C ., title 49, sec . 20), including the same objects specified under this head in the Inde- pendent Offices Appropriation Act, 1937, fiscal year 1937, $5,000 : Pr ovided, That the reap propriat ion unde r this h ead in t he Indepe nd- ent Offices Appropriation Act, 1937, making available for the fiscal year 1937, $5,000 of the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal year 1935, is hereby repealed . Signal safety systems : For an additional amount for all authorized expenditures under section 26 of the Interstate Commerce Act as amended by the Transportation Act, 1920 (U . S . C ., title 49, sec . 26), with respect to the provision thereof under which carriers by railroad subject to the Act may be required to install automatic train-stop or train-control devices which comply with specifications and require- ments prescribed by the Commission, including investigations and tests pertaining to block signal and train-control systems, as author- a 215 Books for a dult blind . 46 Stat. 1487. 2 U.S.C.,Supp.II, °135a. Proviso . Report of expendi- tures . Exec utive Inde . pendent Offices . Federal Communi- cations Commission . Salaries and ex- pe nses. 49 Stat. 1171 . Great Lakes Ex- position . Participation

ex. pe nses. Ante, p.61. Balance reappropri- ated . 49 Stat. 1352. In ters tate Com - merce Commission . General adminis- tra tive expenses . Proviso. Reappropriation re- peal ed . 49 Stat.1173. Enforcing account- ing by railroads . 34 Stat. 593; 41 Stat. 493 . 49U.S . C.°2o. 49 Stat. 1174. Proviso . Reappropriation repealed . Si gnal safe ty s ys- tems . 41 Stat . 498. 49U.S.C.°2o. Automatic train- control deviees .