Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/298

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75TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION-CH . 359 JUNE 16, 1937 Managua, Nicaragua, March 31, 1931 ; and to Marion P . Hoover, clerk in the Legation at Managua, Nicaragua, the sum of $80, such sum representing the value of reasonable and necessary personal property lost as a result of the earthquake at Managua, Nicaragua, March 31, 1931, as authorized by Private Law Numbered 589, approved June 3, 1936 ; in all, $20,647 .25 . Section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 41, sec . 5) shall not apply to any purchase by or service rendered for the Department of State when the aggregate amount involved does not exceed $100 or when the purchase or service relates to the packing of personal and household effects of Diplomatic, Consular, and Foreign Service officers and clerks for foreign shipment . Unless expressly authorized, no portion of the sums appropriated in title I of this Act shall be expended for rent or rental allowances in the District of Columbia or elsewhere in the United States . The P reside nt, in his d iscret ion, m ay assi gn off icers of the Army or Navy or officers or employees of the Treasury Department for duty as inspectors of buildings owned or occupied by the United States in foreign countries, or as inspectors or supervisors of build- ings under construction or repair by or for the United States in foreign countries, under the jurisdiction of the Department of State, or for duty as couriers of the Department of State, and when so assigned they may receive the same traveling expenses as are author- ized for officers of the Foreign Service, payable from the applicable appropriations of the Department of State . . This title may be cited as the "Department of State Appropriation Act, 1938" . TITLE II-DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Salar ies : For personal services in the District of Columbia as follows For the Office of the Attorney General, $52,380 . For the Office of the Solicitor General, $54,740 . For the Office of the Assistant Solicitor General, $43,300 . For the Office of Assistant to the Attorney General, $43,100 . For the Administrative Division, $541,670 . For the Tax Division, $563,500 . For the Criminal Division, $150,100 . For the Claims Division, $191,340 . For the Lands Division, $117,060 . For the Office of Pardon Attorney, $22,470 . For the Anti-Trust Division, $110,000 . Total, Office of the Attorney General, $1,889,660 : Provided, That 1 0 per cent um o f the fore going amo unts shall be avail able inte r- c hange ably for expen ditur es in the vari ous o ffic es an d div isio ns named, but not more than 10 per centum shall be added to the amount appropriated for any one of said offices or divisions and a ny in terch ange of a pprop riati ons hereu nder shal l be repor ted to Congress in the annual Budget . Contingent expenses : For stationery, furniture and repairs, floor coverings not exceeding $1,000, file holders and cases ; miscellaneous expenditures, including telegraphing and telephones, and teletype rentals and tolls, postage, labor, typewriters and adding machines and the exchange thereof and repairs thereto, streetcar fares not exceeding $300, newspapers not exceeding $350, press clippings, and other necessaries ordered by the Attorney General ; official trans- portation, including the repair, maintenance, and operation of six 12515l§-37-1S 273 Marion P . Hoover . 49 Stat . 3308 . Minor purchases . R.S. °3709. 41U.S.C.°5. Rental restriction . Ass ign men ts as in- spectors, etc ., of build- ings abroad ; traveling expenses . Short title . Department of Jus- tic e . Salaries, designated offices . Proviso. Int erc han gea bil ity of amounts . Report in Budget . Contingent ex. pense s . Vehicles .